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Dungeon & Driver


Jul 11, 2017 (UTC)


Become a driver and help others clear dungeons!
Be a passenger and get your free ride through the difficult dungeons of Arad!
Whether you choose to be a driver or a passenger, it doesn't matter!
It's a win/win situation!
Check below for event details.


[Event Period]
● Driver Recuitment Period: JUL 11 - JUL 18, 09:00 (UTC)
(You can still become a driver after this period ends.)

● Taxi Service Period: JUL 18 - AUG 22

Hey Driver,
are you ready to safely
carry your passengers?

Hey Passenger,
are you ready to hop on
the taxi?

Carry Passengers through dungeons
and get the rewards below!

Just get on the taxi
and reap the benefits below!



■ Getting the License ■

We are recruiting drivers who will safely take passengers through dungeons!
You can apply to be a driver from JUL 11- JUL 18! 

(Only Lv. 85+ characters may receive a license)

Click on the () Icon.

Click the [Apply] button.

Pass the Driver's Test Requirements  
and click the [Complete] button!
[Complete] button must be clicked in order to become a driver.


■ Driver's Test Information ■

Available Licenses Test Requirements
Special Dungeon Driver (Solo) Clear Optimal Dungeons in 90 seconds or less (50x)

       [List of Lv. 85+ Special Dungeons]
  • Power Station: Slote Power Plant (Lv.83~86)
  • Castle of the Dead: King's Library (Lv.85~88)
  • Metro Center: Bloody Lane (Lv.88~93)
Otherverse Dungeon Driver (Solo) Clear Lv. 3 or higher in 1 minute or less (10x)
  • After clearing the Otherverse Dungeon 5x, drivers will receive an Othervere Bonus Entry Ticket which allows you to enter Otherverse again 5 more times. (once per day)
  • Don't forget that you must clear Lv. 3 or higher to receive rewards!
Ancient Dungeon Driver (Solo) Clear Lv. 3 or higher in 1 minute or less (40x)
Pandemonium Rift Driver (Solo) Clear in 2 minutes or less (10x)
Anton Normal Driver (Solo) Clear Cutting off the Energy in 4 minutes or less (5x)
(Can be cleared 1x/day)

# Please Note:

  • You must acquire a license for each dungeon by passing the test requirements.
  • Only solo play count towards completing the test requirement.
  • After you press the complete button, you cannot become a passenger.
  • The test requirements for Drivers are bound to each character. It is not shared by account.
  • After completing the test requirements, you must press the [Complete] button to become a driver.
  • If you clear the dungeon without a license, both the driver and passenger will not receive any tokens.
  • If you use Egene's Eye to complete a dungeon, it will not count towards the driver's test dungeon clear count.


■ How to run a Taxi ■

Taxi Service will be available from JUL 18 - AUG 22.

Move to the dungeon you want through the NPC in Seria's Room.

Create a party and wait for passengers!

Clear the dungeon with your passengers!


■ Taxi Service Rewards ■

  X Passengers

After clearing the dungeon with passengers, you will receive driver tokens based on the number of passengers you have. Driver Tokens are used to purchase items at the Driver's Shop.

If you have party members with 
Seria's Welcome buff,
you will receive
2 Driver Tokens per 1 passenger!

# Please Note:

  • Driver Tokens are given based on the number of passengers you have when you cleared the dungeon. (EX: If you had 3 passengers, you will receive 3 tokens)
  • Drivers can receive tokens up to 20 times per day/account. (EX: If you have 3 passengers and complete the dungeon 20x, you will receive 60 tokens.)
  • Passengers with Seria's Welcome buff gives you 2 tokens per clear.
    (EX: 2 Seria's Welcome Buff Party Members + 1 Normal Passengers = 5 Driver Tokens per clear)
  • For Otherverse and Ancient Dungeons, you must clear Lv. 3 difficulty or higher to receive driver tokens and the additional otherverse entry ticket.


■ Driver's Shop ■

Item Description Requirements Limit
Silver Emblem Box Obtain one of the following items of your choice: Silver Emblem [Strength] that can be inserted into a yellow socket or Silver Emblem [Intelliegence] that can be inserted into a green socket. 65 1
Gold Emblem Box Obtain one of the following items of your choice: Gold Emblem [Strength] that can be inserted into a yellow socket or Gold Emblem [Intelligence] that can be inserted into a green socket. 80 1
Master Transcendence Stone - Chronicle Allows you to transfer a Chronicle or lower grade equipment to your account safe. Can only be used in Seria's Room. 25 2
Master Transcendence Stone - Legendary Allows you to transfer a Legendary or lower grade equipment to your account safe. Can only be used in Seria's Room. 50 1
Powerful Energy Box Obtain 50 Powerful Energies. 20 3
Avatar Inventory Expansion Ticket Adds 7 slots to your avatar inventory. (Max. 105 slots) 20 1
Rare Avatar Option Change Cube Allows you to change the option of your rare avatar once. 50 1
Fatigue Recovery Potion (1) Restores 1 Fatigue Point. (Can be used once per day. Does not share cooldown with other Fatigue Recovery Potions.) 5 10

# Please Note:

  • [Silver Emblem Box],[Gold Emblem Box], [Master Transcendence Stone - Chronicle], [Master Transcendence Stone - Legendary] and [Powerful Energy Box]'s purchase limit resets every week.




Get on the Taxi and clear difficult dungeons easily!


■ Taxi Information ■

Any character Lv. 17 or higher may ride the taxi between JUL 18 - AUG 22.

Dungeon Description
Special Dungeon  There are Special Dungeons in each region. (Consumes 8 FP on entry.).

[Special Dungeons List by Region]
  • Abnova: Forgotten Forest (Lv.16~19)
  • Meltdown: Village of the Confined (Lv.26~29)
  • Castaway cave: Gold King's Secret Cave (Lv.36~39)
  • Inverted Waterfall: Fanatics (Lv.45~48)
  • Iced Wall of Resignation: Frost Cave (Lv.53~56)
  • Antwer Canyons: Mount Hardt Showdown (Lv.63~66)
  • Oceanic Express: Pursuit! Express Train (Lv.68~71)
  • Time Gate: Time Break (Lv.78~81)
  • Power Station: Slote Power Plant (Lv.83~86)
  • Castle of the Dead: King's Library (Lv.85~88)
  • Metro Center: Bloody Lane (Lv.88~93)

Can be entered through the Interdimensional Rift in Saint Horn.
Chronicle Equipment can be obtained from this dungeon. Up to 5 entries per day.

Ancient Can be entered through Time Gate - Requiem area.
Materials for Legendary Equipment and Requiem Weapon can be obtained from these dungeons. There are no entry requirements but it consumed 120 Clear Cube Fragments and 10 Endless Eternities on entry.
Pandemonium Rift A place for obtaining epic items in Pandemonium area. It's a challenging dungeon with 10 life token restriction.
Can be entered up to 3x per day and consumes 2 Refined Terraniums per entry.
Anton Dungeon (Normal) Anton Dungeon (Normal): Can be entered through Noble Sky.
Antonium obtained from the dungeon can be used to purchase various items from Woon Lyonir's shop.


■ Getting on the Taxi ■

Any character Lv. 17 or higher may ride the taxi between JUL 18 - AUG 22.

Click 'Find Party' to search for the driver you want.

Drivers have a Taxi image beside them so you can ask to hop on directly!

Now clear the dungeon with your driver!

# Please Note:

  • When you mouse over the party menu, you can check which dungeon the party leader specializes in.
  • When Seria's Welcome is in effect, drivers get additional benefits.
  • For Otherverse/Ancient Dungeons, you must clear Lv. 3 or higher in order for passengers to receive tokens.


■ Passenger Rewards ■

    Obtained by clearing a dungeon with a driver. Can be used to purchase items at the shop.
Item Description Requirements Limit
Ancient Treasure Box Obtain 50 Ancient Dugneon Legendary Shop purchase materialm of your choice. 25 12
Selective Chroncle Set Box Obtain 2nd or 3rd Chronicle set equipment of your choice. (Chronicle set is a Lv. 70 equipment.) 50 1
Interdimensional Fragment Pot Contains 50 Interdimensional Fragments. (Untradable) 15 6
Ancient Dungeon Ticket Box Allows you to enter Ancient Dungeon once. 1 40
Purification Stone Box Contains 20 Purification Stones.
(Purification Stones are quest materials.)
2 5
Character Renaming Ticket Use it to rename your character.
(Cannot change to an already existing name.)
10 1
Avatar Option Change Cube Allows you to change the option of your avatar once.
Cannot be used on Rare Avatar, (Old)Avatars or avatars without any options.)
20 1
Fatigue Recovery Potion (1) Restores 1 Fatigue Point. (Can be used once per day. Does not share cooldown with other Fatigue Recovery Potions.) 3 10



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the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

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09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
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09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

