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Upcoming Changes on JUL 12 Maintenance


Jun 23, 2022 (UTC)


Please be informed of the following changes that will occur after the maintenance on Tuesday, JUL 12, 2022.


▣ Auction Hall Items Returned

- All items registered on the Auction Hall will be returned during the maintenance on Tuesday, JUL 12, 2022 UTC.


▣ Mileage Reset

- Mileage Points will be reset during the maintenance on Tuesday, JUL 12, 2022 UTC.


▣ Repurchase Tab Reset

- All items in the Repurchase Tab will be deleted during the maintenance on Tuesday, JUL 12, 2022 UTC.


▣ NPC Seria's Item Combine Function Removed

- The item "Combine" function will be removed from NPC Seria's menu during the maintenance on Tuesday, JUL 12, 2022 UTC.


▣ Cooldown Reduction Consumables Disabled

- All cooldown-reducing consumables will become unable to be used or be substituted with other items after the maintenance on Tuesday, JUL 12, 2022 UTC.


▣  Changes to Emblem Trade-Type

- Tradable Emblems will be changed to become account-bound after being traded 1 time after the maintenance on Tuesday, JUL 12, 2022 UTC.


▣ Changes to Adventure Token Shop Items

- Some items will be removed from the Adventure Token Shop during the maintenance on Tuesday, JUL 12, 2022 UTC. Please purchase any items you need beforehand. The following are the items that will be removed:

- Adventurer’s Booty Chest [Level 1]

- Adventurer’s Booty Chest [Level 2]

- Adventurer’s Booty Chest [Level 3]

- Random Talisman Box

- Operation: Hope Entry Count Addition Ticket

- Pit of Incarceration Entry Count Addition Ticket

- Time’s Guide Stone Box (100)

- Lv. 85 Epic Equipment Selection Box


▣ Lost Treasure Removed

- Lost Treasures / Emerald Lost Treasures will be deleted during the maintenance on Tuesday, JUL 12, 2022.

- Skeleton Keys will no longer be available for purchase or dropped in dungeons after the maintenance on Tuesday, JUL 12, 2022.

- Skeleteon Keys in your possession will not be deleted, and will be able to be exhanged for the new DANJI Pot items at a set rate in the NPC Seria Shop after the maintenance on Tuesday, JUL 12, 2022.



Thank you.


- Dungeon Fighter Online Support Team

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

