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Enchanting Changes

Enchanting: New Trade Type

  • A new trade type has been added.
    - Trade Type: Trade Count: 1 (Binds to Account)
    - Items with this trade type will have its trade count deducted after trade. Once it has been traded once, its trade type will be changed to Account-bound.
    - Items with this trade type will be displayed as follows.
Trade Type Icon Item
Trade Count: 1 (Binds to Account)


  • Items with this trade type will have its trade count deducted after the following.
    - Purchased through the Auction Hall
    - Purchased through a Personal Shop
    - After being traded
    - After being sent via mail (only if it is sent to another account)
  • Items with 'Trade Count: 1 (Binds to Account)' trade type cannot use the guild storage.


Enchanting: Monster Card and Bead Changes

  • Trade type of tradable, monster card and bead items will be changed.
    - Before: Tradable
    - After: Trade Count: 1 (Binds to Account)
  • When using 'Enchanter - Create Bead,' the resulting item's trade type will be determined by the trade type of the material consumed.    
  • When upgrading cards, the resulting card's trade type will be determined based on the trade type of the card being upgraded.    
  • When compounding cards, the resulting card's trade type will be Trade Count: 1 regardless of the material's trade type.


Enchanting: Card Compounding/Upgrading System Changes

  • West Coast Abello's Card Compound/Card Upgrade system UI has been renewed.
    - Card Compound/Upgrade menu can be accessed through the new Card Processor system.


Card Compounder

Before After


Upgrade Card

Before After


  • Compounding chance for each monster card that can be obtained through Card Compounding has been adjusted.
    - Decreased the chance for low level dungeon monster card to appear.
    - Increased the chance for higher level dungeon monster card to appear.


  • Changed the card upgrading requirements.
    - Before: Monster cards used when upgrading cards: Max. 1
    - New: Monster cards used when upgrading cards: 1 to 3
    - Success chance is increased based on number of cards used as material. (Max. 100%)
    - If you register 1 monster card, the success chance is the same as before.


  • Fiend War monster cards have been added to Rare, Unique grade card compounding results list.


Enchanting: Raid Reward Changes

  • When obtaining a monster card via raid clear reward, there's now a chance to obtain an upgraded card.
    - Upgrade value is determined randomly.
    - Applies to all raid dungeons that drops monster cards.


Enchanting: Additional Changes

  • All enchanting cards/beads registered on the auction hall will be sent to your mailbox with its trade type changed to "Trade Count: 1 (Binds to account)" after the maintenance.
Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

