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Book of Childcare

Bing Bong’s Shop Details

Magic Card Magic Card


Please Note

This event is available on the main server and the event progress is shared by all characters in your account.

You cannot participate in this event on the Season Server. You cannot enter the child’s room or earn Adventurer Maker Points/Bing bong's coins.
You can only receive the login gift (Adventurer Maker Points/Bing bong's coins) when you login to the main server.

Only Lv. 17+ characters may raise a child. You can raise up to 5 children.

You cannot raise more than 1 child at once. Your child must become fully independent before you can raise another child.

Even if all 5 of your child become independent, you can still enter Bing Bong’s shop and buy items.

Optimal Level Dungeons are available for all Lv. 17+ characters. (Excluding Anton Raid Dungeon, Death Valley, Arena, Dark Elf Ruins)

Until you create a child, Activity Points will not be accumulated upon clearing Optimal Level Dungeons.

When your child reaches 20 years old and becomes independent, all remaining Activity Points will reset. (Bing bong's coins will not reset)

The login time tracker which gives you points based on your login duration will reset at 09:00 UTC every day.

Items sold in the Bing Bong’s Shop are all account bound and will be deleted at 09:00 DEC 27, 2016 (UTC).

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

