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Entries may be submitted by accounts that have a main character over Lv. 20. (Once per account)

Once an entry has been submitted, it cannot be revised/deleted.

Illustration should be made JPG/PNG format that is clearly visible.

When you submit your work, please add a description about the concept of the design.

Illustrations must correspond to the topic of the contest.

Register as a public posting! (We cannot check the posting if it’s not set to public T^T)

Plagiarism is not allowed, violating players will be disqualified from the event.

Posts that are empty, deemed Violent/Obscene/Offensive/Inappropriate/plagiarised or unrelated to DFO may be deleted without prior notice by the administrator.

Winning entries will belong to Neople Inc. ‘Dungeon Fighter Online’, and can be used in official web site, facebook/Instagram or as an in-game loading screen.

By submitting your entry, you automatically agree to the these terms.

Winners Announcement date is subject to change. Announcement regarding reward distribution will be posted at a later date.

Figure production can take up to 4 weeks after receiving avatar screenshot.

Figure and offline products are shipped together and shipping time may differ depending on your country of residence. It can take up to 3 months for shipping.

In-game rewards will be sent to the mail box of your main character. If the mail expires, reward will not be sent again.

F. Priest ‘The Awakened Ones’ Avatar Box is account bound and the avatars inside it are untradable.

Clone Rare Avatar Full Set Box is tradable and you can receive a full avatar set (untradable) for your class.