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Growing Dragon Weapon | Event Period: Apr 14 ~ May 12(UTC), until Maintenance

What is Dragon Weapon?
A weapon that grows its power and ability along with your character’s level progression. As you level-up, your Dragon Weapon also grows up to level 67!
More details about Growing / Dragon Weapon
Growing Weapon : Unique weapon that grows up to lv.67, Weapon which level matched to player’s given Common properties added as player’s level increasing Colours and properties vary in 6 phases Reinforce(Lv.50+)/amplify(Lv.55+) available. Trade / Disassemble / Magic Seal not available. Schedule to be deleted on 00:00(UTC) May 26, 2015.
Dragon Weapon : Unique weapon growing up to lv.67, Growing Weapon level/properties passed down Growing Weapon’s reinforce/amplify figure remaining Common properties added as player’s level increasing Colours and properties vary in 6 phases Reinforce(Lv.50+), Amplify(Lv.55+) available. Trade / Disassemble / Magic Seal not available. A permanent equipment.

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

