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[Updated] Unstoppable! Spacetime Train


Dec 04, 2018 (UTC)


Greetings, this is Dr. Sigma, the operator of Spacetime Train.
We had to make an emergency stop in Arad as the train is under massive assault by unidenitified monsters.
It will be a disaster if we lose this Spacetime Train to the monsters….

We could really use your help to protect this train.
Come to the Spacetime Train Platform in Elvenguard!
I will be waiting for you there.




Spacetime Train Platform

Move to the Spacetime Train Platform through Dr. Sigma
Dr. Sigma's location has been changed from Seria's Room to Elvenguard.

Get on the Spacetime Train through the Spacetime Train Platform.

Move to the far right of the Spacetime Train Platform to enter the Spacetime Train dungeon.


Spacetime Train Dungeon Information

Spacetime Train Reclamation

  • Lv. 50+ Adventurer
  • Solo (Cannot play in a party)
  • 3 times per account/day
  • Does not consume Fatigue Points
  • Dungeon cleared upon killing the boss monster

Spacetime Breakthrough

  • Lv. 90+ Adventurers
  • Solo (Cannot play in a party)
  • 3 times per character/day
  • Does not consume Fatigue Points
  • Consumables cannot be used. (including coins)
  • Eliminate monsters within the time limit (120s)



Clear Spacetime Train dungeon and go for TOP 10!

1. What is Spacetime Breakthrough dungeon ranking?

Spacetime Breakthrough dungeon will have rankings based on the distance traveled inside the dungeon.
Rankings are recorded during the event period and it will be separated by class.

If you reach Top 10, you will receive a special reward.
- Reward Period 1: DEC 4, 2018 - DEC 18, 2018
- Reward Period 2: DEC 19, 2018 - End of Event
2. How do you become a Top player in Spacetime Train?

Rankings are based on the distance travelled in Spacetime Breakthrough dungeon.
(Dungeon must be cleared in order for your record to be registered into the rankings)

Train's weight will increase based on number of monsters on the train.
The heavier the train, the slower it will go. To attain a high rank, you must defeat the monsters as soon as they are on the train.



Spacetime Train Rewards!
Complete Spacetime Train missions and click the () to get your reward.

1. Daily Reward
These reward can be received every day after the completion of each mission.

Requirement Name Description Type
Clear Spacetime Train Reclamation 3x Refined Terranium Box Contains a Refined Terranium Account-bound
Advance at least 500m in Spacetime Breakthrough Spacetime Train Monster Transformation Potion Randomly transforms you into one of the Spacetime Train monsters and increases your Town Movement Speed by 10% for 5 minutes. Can only be used in Town. Account-bound


2. Accumulated Reward
These rewards can only be received once during the event period.

Requirement Name Description Type
Clear Spacetime Train Reclamation Dungeon 20x Valley of Hope Amulet Box (5) Contains 5 Valley of Hope Amulet(s), used for Epic Road event. Account-bound
Clear Spacetime Train Reclamation Dungeon 40x Valley of Hope Amulet Box (7) Contains 7 Valley of Hope Amulet(s), used for Epic Road event. Account-bound
Clear Spacetime Train Reclamation Dungeon 60x Valley of Hope Amulet Box (10) Contains 10 Valley of Hope Amulet(s), used for Epic Road event. Account-bound



3. Ranking Reward
Only given to Top 10 ranked players in Spacetime Breakthrough dungeon.

Period Name Description Type
Dec 4 ~ Dec 18 Spacetime Aura Given to top 10 ranked players in Spacetime Breakthrough dungeon on DEC 18, 2018.
- No options (Cannot be sundered)
- Period: Unlimited
Dec 19 ~ End of Event Guardian of Spacetime (Title)

Given to Top 10 ranked players for each class after the event ends. A title for your class will be given.
(No options / Period : Unlimited)



#Please Note

  • Spacetime Breakthrough dungeon can be played 3times per day/character. Spacetime Train Reclamation dungeon can be played 3x per day/account.
  • Dungeon entry count resets at 09:00 UTC every day.
  • Daily Reward / Accumulated Reward can only be received by clicking the [Receive] button.
  • Ranking Rewards will be given at once on the date mentioned above.
  • Some item's effects will be restricted in Spacetime Breakthrough dungeon.
  • Only characters that have completed advancement will be eligible for Spacetime Breakthrough dungeon rankings.
  • If two of the same advancement class characters end up with an exact same record, the player who completed it first will be ranked higher.
  • A separate Guardian of Spacetime title will be created for each class. Each class's title will have its own image that matches its advancement class.
  • If you have cleared the Spacetime Breakthrough dungeon in an illegal way, you will not receive a reward even if you make it to the Top 10.


DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

