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Gluttony's Attack


Jun 18, 2019 (UTC)


Where to find Voracious Toad Gluttony & Gluttony's Mom
Voracious Toad Gluttony has escaped from her nest!
Please save innocent adventurers from her threat and make her return to where she originally belongs!

Monster Name Voracious Toad Gluttony Gluttony's Mom
How to Find Her You can find Escaped Voracious Toad Gluttony in optimal level dungeons.
Her location will be marked on the minimap as shown below.
Gluttony's Mom also appears in dungeon looking for her daughter.
Her location will be marked on the minimap as shown below.
Encounter Limit She only appears only once a day. No limit
Elimination Reward When she is defeated, she will drop a [Random Abyss Equipment Pot]
** [Random Abyss Equipment Pot] generates a random Abyss Armor or Accessory/Special Equipment when used.
She will drop [Remains of Gluttony()] when defeated.
You can bring these materials at "Auntie Gluttony" NPC Shop in Seria's Room to exchange them for various rewards.


Auntie Gluttony Shop

"Remains of Gluttony" can be exchanged for various items.
Purchase rewards through Auntie Gluttony in Seria's Room.

Reward Description Price() Limit
Abyss Fragment Box (5) Generates 5 Abyss Fragments.
Abyss Fragments are used to buy Abyss Equipments from NPC Ceberin in Black Market.
5 10 per account/day
Fried Gluttony's Front Leg Restores 30% of MP/HP
Cures harmful status effects at all character levels
2 -
Fried Gluttony's Rear Leg For 300 seconds, STR/INT/VIT/SPI +50 2 -
Gluttony Foie Gras Attack damage +12% for 60 seconds 2 -
Gluttony Sausage Transforms into one of Gluttony's Sister.
Can only be used in town.
1 -
Year old Gluttony Sausage Transforms into one of Gluttony's Sister.
Can only be used in town. This item can be used for a year.
100 1 per account
Random Abyss Equipment Pot Generates a random Abyss Armor or Accessory. 50 2 per account/week


# Please Note:

  • All rewards are account bound and will be deleted on JUL 9, 09:00 UTC.
  • Voracious Toad Gluttony in Operation: Hope dungeon does not drop event items.
  • Year old Gluttony Sausage will be deleted on JUN 16, 2020, 09:00 UTC.
  • This event can be participated at least a Lv. 17+ character.
  • Optimal Level Dungeons are available to Lv. 17+ characters.
  • Exception: Joah Ferrerro's Voyage, Luke/Fiend Raid, Valley of the Fallen Souls, Interdimensional Rift, Beast

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

