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DFO Update Tour


Feb 23, 2021 (UTC)


How to Participate

DFO has been updated with various new content! Check out our brochure for more information on these contents. 

Take our Hiking Course for The Exile Mountains and receive various rewards.

Earn various items every time you embark on the Adventure Course of Arad Adventure's newly updated The Oculus: The Sanctum of Resurrection.








Celebrating The Exile Mountains update!
Receive rewards every time you clear The Exile Mountains!

Mission Type Mission Reward Description
Daily Mission Login daily Rune Ore (Event) x1 Contains a random Common, Uncommon, or Rare Rune.
Weekly Mission Clear The Exile Mountains x1 Lv. 95 Noble Talisman Box (Event) x1 Contains a random Rare or Unique Pandemonium War Talisman.
Clear The Exile Mountains x2 Single-use Rune/Stigmatic Talisman Combiner Selection Box x5 Contains a Single-use Rune or Stigmatic Talisman Combiner, depending on your choice.
Accumulated Mission Clear The Exile Mountains x3 Random Lv. 95 Unique Talisman Box (Your Class) x1 Contains a random Pandemonium War Unique Talisman for your class. 
Contains a Unique Talisman for a random class for Non-Advanced characters.
Talismans can be checked and registered in the Inventory > Talisman tab.
Clear The Exile Mountains x4 Dog of the False Star Costume Box Contains a Dog of the False Star Costume.
Costume is given as untradable.
[Costume Details]
Transforms you into a Dog of the False Star, and increases Town Movement Speed by 10%.
Can only be used in Town.


* Up to 2 clears per week will be counted for Accumulated Missions for the Hiking Course.




Arad Adventure has been updated with The Oculus: The Sanctum of Resurrection!
Now you can have fun defeating Prophet Ezra in Arad Adventure as well!

Mission Type Mission Reward Description
Daily Mission Login daily Adventure Merc Recruit Ticket x2 A ticket found dropped on the ground in Arad Adventure. 
Enables you to recruit Arad Adventure Mercs for free. 
Used before Recruit Tickets obtained through Adventure. 
Go to the Recruit Merc menu to check this item's quantity. Its quantity is combined with Recruit Ticket's obtained from Adventure. 
Collect 10 Adventure Merc Recruit Tickets to recruit a total of 11 times (1 time for free).
Weekly Mission Clear Arad Adventure World Dungeon x20 Remy's Sparkling Touch Box (20) x1 Contains 20 Remy's Sparkling Touch.
Clear Arad Adventure Subjugation - Pilgrim's Shelter x4 [Event] Time's Guide Stone Box (100) x1 A stone imbued with the energy of the Time Lords, created to stop the Transcended. 
It detects the Transcended that appear inside the spacetime rifts. 
Accumulated Mission Clear Arad Adventure Subjugation - Altar of Truth x2 Adventure Damage Font x1 Adds to your damage font list. 
(Damage Font is bound to the character you use it on.)
Used damage fonts can be selected in the Skin Cargo - Damage Font.
Cannot be used by characters that are already in possession of Adventure Damage Font.


# Please note

  • Click on the "Get" button in the event UI to receive rewards.
  • The "Get" button must be clicked in order to receive rewards for daily logins as well.     
  • All rewards will be sent by mail, and will be stored for 15 days.
  • Up to 2 clears per week will be counted for Accumulated Missions for the Hiking Course.
  • Up to 1 clear per week will be counted for Accumulated Missions for the Adventure Course.
  • Daily Missions are reset daily at 09:00 UTC.
  • Weekly Missions are reset every week on Tuesday at 09:00 UTC.
  • All reward items will be deleted at 09:00, MAR 9, 2021 UTC.

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

