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Elven Tales


Mar 08, 2022 (UTC)


Build your own Elven Village! Raise your own Elven Army!
Defend the Sacred Crystal from deadly monster forces to resurrect great Vandrassil!



What is Elven Tales?

Elven Tales is a Rogue-lite Defense type game only available to play during 7th Anniversary Event period.
A player must build both economical & defensive infrastructure to prepare defenses from enemy invasion.
Player can also raise Elven army to intercept incoming monsters from right and left. There are tons of
researches features and interesting items to juice up your playing experience, so get ready to be a defender!



How to Start?

Talk to NPC Arwen located in Seria's Room
to enter Elvenielle, the hidden village of Elves.

Find NPC Galad, the elder in Elvenielle
to access main screen of Elven Tales.




Press the Start Button to begin your game! 2 play counts will be given daily, and additional play
count can be purchased from Mileage Shop. However, event reward will be given only once a day.



Basic Controls

You can press "A" or "D" key to navigate the map right
or left. Press "Shift" key to boost your movement speed.

You can access to 3 different UI menus
with mouse to build, produce unit, or research.







Resources are essential element of the game.
Everything you wish to build, produce,
or research will have resource costs.

Resources can be acquired from either
building Resource Buildings, or clearing stages.
Type of resource you get differs
from each building's specialty.





Image Name Detail
Lumber Lumbers are required for buildings, and producing Ranged units.
Lumbers can be acquired from building Terrarium.
Mithril Mithrils are required for buildings, and producing Melee units.
Mithrils can be acquired from building Mithril Mine.
Food Food are required for producing all units.
Foods can be acquired from building Orchard.
Gold Golds are required for Resource & Upgrade buildings, and producing all units.
Golds are common resource and can be acquired from clearing stages.
Gem Gems are required for Resource & Upgrade buildings, and producing Magical units.
Gems are very scarce resource and can be acquired from clearing stages.



Each building has its own unique ability. Buildings are categorized to 3 types
(Resource, Defence, and Upgrade). Build them wisely to expand your own village!

Image Name Detail
Terrarium Produces Lumbers each turn.
Researches upgrade Terrarium's productivity.
Mithril Mine Produces Mithrils each turn.
Researches upgrade Mithril Mine's productivity.
Orchard Produces Foods each turn.
Researches upgrade Orchard's productivity.
Residence Increases Maximum Unit Capacity.
Researches unlocks more Unit Capacity.
Wall Basic defensive structure that blocks enemies from advancing.
Researches upgrade HP & Defence.
Watch Tower Versatile tower structure that shoots arrows rapidly.
Researches upgrade HP & Attack.
Catapult Heavy tower structure that fires explosive projectile.
Researches upgrade HP & Attack.
Arcane Tower Magical tower structure that strikes enemies with lightning.
Researches upgrade HP & Attack.
Blacksmith Enhances all Melee Unit.
Researches upgrade its unit enhancement ability.
Academy Enhances all Ranged Unit.
Researches upgrade its unit enhancement ability.
Mage Guild Enhances all Magical Unit.
Researches upgrade its unit enhancement ability.



Each unit has its own unique role. Units are categorized to 3 types(Melee, Ranged, and Magical).
Unit production is limited to maximum unit capacity, so build Residences to give living place to your elven army!
Produce them wisely to counter enemy forces!

Image Name Detail
Swordsman A standard Melee fighter with decent Attack and HP.
Has fast Attack Speed, but vulnerable vs. heavy armored monsters.
Shielder A dedicated Melee tanker with high HP and Defence.
Has great durability, but lacks offensive capability.
Spearman A heavy armored specialist Melee fighter with great balance.
Has armor penetration ability, but relatively lower DPS than Swordsman.
Archer An agile fire supporter capable of creating barrage of arrows.
Shoots multiple projectiles, but lacking accuracy results ineffectiveness vs. single target.
Sniper A skillful marksman with wide are coverage and pinpoint accuracy.
Attacks never miss the target, but has slow attack speed.
Crossbow An all-purpose ranged shooter with armor penetrating shots.
Great versatility, but has relatively shorter range than archer.
Alchemist A magical bomber that delivers multiple projectiles that explodes at distance.
Attacks wide area and penetrates armor, but lacks accuracy badly.
Priestess A zone control specialist with very wide attack range.
Has very wide attack range, but requires upgrades to unlock full potential.
Magi A formidable magical artillery with powerful exploding shots.
Delivers powerful singular blow to wide ware, but has slow attack speed.





Invest in Researches to unlock & upgrade extra features!
Upgraded buildings & units by research possesses far better attribute than before!
There are 5 categories of researches you can choose from, so feel free to look around and find out what interests you!

Researches exist in form of research tree. Advanced researches requires pre-requisite to be completed.

Final researches are split into 2 unique research items.
You can only choose one, and the other one
will be locked for the game.





Battle & Objective

Click on Start Button and proceed to battle!
Make sure to be fully prepared before battle begins.

Your objective is to protect the Sacred Crystal located in the center of map. Monsters will march to the center, destroying everything on their path.




Defeating all monsters will end the battle.
Resource reward will be given accordingly
depends on number of stage you finish.
All of ally building and units HP will be replenished!

At certain stages, a powerful item awaits you to juice up
the game even more! Try your best to complete all stages!






Essential Play Tips!

1. Investing in research should be your no.1 priority!
- Upgraded units and buildings have dramatic performence improvement.


2. Build the Wall!
- Ranged units requires battlefront to be formed in order to hit enemy correctly.


3. Bigger monsters have higher armor rating!
- Make sure to counter them with armor piercing ability.


4. Don't deploy Melee units isolated in the front!
- Remeber, you are defending. Do not let them charge into stack of enemies isolated.


5. Do not spam buildings unprotected!
 - Buildings are more fragile than you think. Make sure to place them wisely with decent protection.



Event Reward

Leaf of Vandrassil will be given per each completed stages!
You can play multiple time a day, but reward can only be claimed once a day.
See what you can purchase with Leaf of Vandrassil here!




# Please note

  • Elven Tales Play Count Ticket will be deleted at 10:00, APR 19, 2022 (UTC)

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

