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Summer Splash Bullseye


Aug 23, 2022 (UTC)


How to Participate

Have fun shooting fruits with a Water Gun and get a chance to purchase various rewards!

You can participate up to 3 times a day through NPC Water Gun Enthusiast in Hendon Myre.
(Can be participated in by account.)

Enter the keys in order shown below the fruit target starting from the left side!

Rewards will be sent by mail based on the number of fruits hit for a total of 5 rounds.





How to Play

1) A total of 5 rounds per game will be played.
2) You will receive 6 Water Guns each round.
3) As you click the Start button, 6 keys below the target will appear.
Random arrow keys will be placed.
4) Shoot the Water Gun by pressing the key within the time limit!
5) If you hit all fruits or run out of Water Guns or time, the next round will begin.
6) At the end of all rounds, the number of fruits hit is displayed and rewards are sent by mail.



Time Limit per Round

The Time Limit as the Round progresses is as follows.

Round Time
1 10 Seconds
2 7 Seconds
3 5 Seconds
4 3 Seconds
Final 2 Seconds



Everfrost Fragments obtained from Summer Splash Bullseye and
DFO Parfait Tycoon event can be used to purchase rewards from NPC Freezna.

Hits Icon Reward Description
0 - - Looks like you need more practice.
1-6 Everfrost Fragment A mystical piece of ice that won't melt even in the summer heat.
Can be traded for various rewards from NPC Freezna located in Hendon Myre.
7-18 Everfrost Fragment Bucket(Small) Contains 12-15 Everfrost Fragments randomly.
19-29 Everfrost Fragment Bucket(Medium) Contains 15-17 Everfrost Fragments randomly.
30 Perfect! Everfrost Fragment Bucket(Large) Contains 17-20 Everfrost Fragments randomly.


Please note

  • All event items will be deleted at 09:00, SEP 06, 2022 UTC.
  • This event can be participated in by account, and is shared by account.
  • All rewards are sent to your mailbox.

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

