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A Gift for Mintai


Dec 06, 2022 (UTC)


How to Participate


Hunt monsters in Optimal Level Dungeons and gather
Christmas Present Crafting Kits!

Distribute the materials to the Bantu tribesmen who craft gifts in the gift making workshop.

You will be rewarded according to the
completion level of the present for Mintai.





There is a maximum number of Christmas Present Crafting Kits that can be collected a day per week.
The acquired Crafting Kits can be checked at the top of the screen.

Weekdays 50
JAN 2 ~ JAN 3



Gift Making Workshop


Click on the event HUD to give the Crafting Kits you acquired to the Bantu tribe.


Number Category Description
1 Craft Mission Select and craft parts for Mintai's gift.
2 Mintai Check Mintai wearing the gift.
3 Craft Gift Provide a present crafting kit and check the level of completion.
4 Accumulated Rewards Rewards will be given according to the level of completion.
5 Comment Words from the Bantu tribe crafting gifts for Mintai.
6 Dreamcatcher A feature that is unlocked after crafting all 8 gifts for Mintai.



Bantu Tribe's Gift


The Bantu Tribe will reward you according to the gift craft part and level of completion (30%/60%/100%).

Top Bottom Tassels Hat
Delilah's Repair Coupon
(All Parts) x1
Single-Use Retexturizer Golden Beryl Box (100) Single-Use Retexturizer
Resonating Ominous
Crystal Box (200)
Kaleido Box (2) Resonating Ominous
Crystal Box (200)
Storm's Wrath Bonus Entry Ticket
Golden Beryl Box (100) Kaleido Box (2) Otherverse Energy
Purification Scroll
Golden Beryl Box (100)
Face Shoulders Bracelet Waist
    Single-Use Retexturizer Delilah's Repair
Coupon (All Parts) x1
Single-Use Retexturizer Equipment Option
Level Transfer Ticket
Remy's Sparkling
Touch Box (40)
Storm's Wrath
Bonus Entry Ticket
Single-Use Retexturizer Otherverse Energy
Equipment Option
Level Transfer Ticket
Golden Beryl Box (100) Equipment Option
Level Transfer Ticket
Kaleido Box (2)



Mintai's Thank-You Gift


Once you complete all the presents for Mintai, Mintai will craft a Dreamcatcher as a gift for the Bantus.
Mintai will give you 50 Golden Beryl as a reward if you help make the Dreamcatcher. Dreamcatchers can be made repeatedly!



# Please note

  • The Present Crafting Kit and rewards will be deleted at 09:00, JAN 3, 2023 UTC.
  • Rewards for crafting gifts will be sent to your mailbox with a storage period of 15 days.
  • The Dreamcatcher can be crafted by completing all 8 Mintai gifts.


DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

