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Lucky Christmas Cards


Dec 19, 2023 (UTC)


How to Participate

Check the information about the event by clicking
the icon() over the Fatigue Point bar.
Clear Optimal Level Dungeons and Advanced Dungeons
every day and earn your chance to flip cards!
Optimal Level Dungeon clears will grant one chance and
Advanced Dungeon clears will grant 2 chances to flip cards.
The opportunity to flip cards resets daily at 09:00 UTC,
so don't forget to flip the cards every day!

★ Obtained chances are doubled during Weekends! ★

Optimal Level Dungeons 12
Advanced Dungeons 2 → 4


* Advanced Dungeon clear count applies to the following Dungeons:
Noblesse Code: Dusk, Destroyed Castle of the Dead, The Meister's Laboratory.



Event Rules

A chance to flip cards is consumed each time you flip a card.
The game will be cleared if you flip 3 of the same cards!
Items corresponding to the three identical cards can be obtained as rewards.

After obtaining card flip rewards, get up to 10 additional rewards in the Bonus Roulette!
After receiving rewards, all cards are reset to their original face-down state.
If there are remaining chances, you can continue to play and flip cards again.



Event Rewards

Power Essence Box (1) Item Option Complete Growth Ticket Kaleido Box (1) Master Contract Package (1 Day)


Item Description
Power Essence Box (1) Contains 1 Power Essence.
Item Option Complete Growth Ticket Can be used to grow equipment Option Levels. Option Levels can be increased without using Golden Beryl, Power Essence, and Gold. Can only be used for Complete Growth. [Growth Option], [Growth/Transfer Option] equipment that is the same as the main equipment or is tradable/sealable cannot be used as option growth material.
Kaleido Box (1) Contains 1 Kaleido Box. Obtained item is given as untradable and permanent.
Master Contract Package (1 Day) Contains a 1-day supply of Tactician's Contract, Conqueror's Contract, Growth Contract, Cube Contract.


# Please note

  • All event rewards are account-bound, and will be deleted at 09:00, JAN 9, 2024 UTC.
  • Clear count for Optimal Level Dungeons and Advanced Dungeons are shared by account.

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

