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Everybody, God of Mist!


Jan 14, 2025 (UTC)


How to Participate

Click the () icon above the Fatigue Point bar to check the event information.

Clear God of Mist Raid with Budding Sprout characters and get Budding Sprout Tokens! Normal characters will receive 100 Sprout Tokens and Newbie characters will receive 300 Sprout Tokens.

Purchase various rewards by gathering Budding Sprout Tokens!








God of Mist Raid with Budding Sprout Character!

You can check Sprout Character Criteria in the event UI.
Character who cleared God of Mist raid less then 5 times or
Fight! Female Fighter Level-Up Support! Event Character is
categorized as a Sprout Character!

If you have Budding Sprout Character in your raid party member, you can notice Budding Sprout mark in the raid party information. The raid party information shows a sprout mark if there are two or more Budding Sprout characters in the raid party.





- 2 or more Budding Sprout characters must be in your God of Mist Raid (Normal) Group in order to receive Budding Sprout Tokens.
- Budding Sprout Tokens will not be obtained if there are insufficient Budding Sprout characters or if Budding Sprout characters do not meet the clear count.
- The maximum number of Budding Sprout Tokens that can be obtained weekly is 600 each.



Budding Sprout Token Shop

Item Description Price
Purchase Limit
DPS Bottom Bead Box Contains 1 fully upgraded Largo, Maleficent of Treachery Bead. 250 1 per account
Buffer Bottom Bead Box Contains 1 fully upgraded Mist Watcher Brim Bead. 250 1 per account
Master Kaleido Box Sets Equipment items and their options to the highest grade and the maximum amounts. Unlike the normal Kaleido Box, this item can't be used on titles and can't regrade the suffixes of unsealed Magic-sealed items.
Can only be used on the following rarity equipment: Usable Rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Unique, Chronicle, Legendary, Epic.
However, it can be used on Primeval grade God of Mist weapons with Ruminations to the First Memory Stage 6 completed.
200 1 per account
One-shot Transcendent Stone [Epic] Enables you to transfer Untradable (sealed or unsealed) equipment to your Account Vault. Transferring equipment does not affect its remaining Sealing count.
Can't be used on Mist Gear, Essence-added Epic weapons, or sealed Products of Wisdom.
Can only be used inside Seria's Room.
200 1 per account
Silver Amplification Grimoire Adds a Dimensional ability of your choice and Amplifies items from +3 to +6 at each of their rates.
Overwrites the target item's current Amplification level.
Can't be used on Otherversal Energy equipment, and the same Dimensional ability can't be added more than once.
Can only be used on Rare or higher-grade equipment at Lv. 55 or above.
Can't be used on items that cannot be amplified.
200 1 per account
[EVENT] Memory Shard (Account-bound) Box (1) Contains 1 [EVENT] Memory Shard (Account-bound). 100 1 per account / week
Stella Meteoria Box (80) Contains 80 Stella Meteoria. 50 1 per account / week
Faded Light Box (30) Contains 30 Faded Light. 50 1 per account / week
Warlord's Cry
Potion Box (5)
Contains 5 Warlord's Cry Potions. 10 -


# Please Note

  • This event can be participated in God of Mist Raid Channel.
  • This event can be participated by a character with Lv.110, and 58,087 Fame or higher.
  • Budding Sprout Tokens cannot be obtained if a player does not meet the raid reward conditions,
    even if the player has played with two or more Budding Sprout characters.
  • All unused event items will be deleted at 09:00, FEB 11, 2025 UTC.

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

