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Blazing Laundromat: Return of the Arad Rangers


Dec 05, 2017 (UTC)


How have you been, adventurer? It's me again, the blazing laundromat fairy!
Oh, I cannot stand how grimy your avatars are! Bring me some Soap and so I can clean them for you.
Eliminate Dust monsters in Optimal Level Dungeons to obtain 'Soap' and bring it to the fairy!



In order to clean your avatars, you need ()Soap. Soap can be acquired from Dust Monsters in Optimal Level Dungeon Boss Rooms.

Open the event UI by clicking on the Laundromat Fairy in Underfoot Square.
Insert your avatar and click the Laundry button. The laundromat fairy will take your avatars and give you brand new avatars in return!

#Please Note:
- You cannot clean 'Cannot be sundered' avatars.
- You cannot clean Clone Avatars.
- You cannot clean Rare Avatars.
- You cannot clean Weapon, Aura and Skin avatars.
- Dark Knight avatar has the same appearance as Male Slayer avatar.
- Creator avatar has the same apperance as Female Mage Avatar.



The laundromat fairy will take your avatars and give you brand new avatars in return!
Please note that you will receive an avatar of the same class and part! 
(Ex. If you wash Male Slayer's Waist Avatar, you will receive a random Waist Avatar from the 3 types of avatars. The color will be chosen randomly as well.)


■ Puppet Show Avatar ■
- Puppet Show avatars are only available for Male Slayer, Female Fighter, Male Gunner, Female Mage and Priest.
- Puppet Show avatars only have Hat, Top, Bottom, Waist and Shoes avatars.

- Puppet Show's weapon can be obtained by washing Waist Avatars. (It looks like a weapon but it is equipped to the waist.)


■ Arad Ranger Avatar ■
- Arad Ranger avatars are only available for M./F. Slayers, M./F. Fighters, M./F. Gunners,  M./F. Mages, M. Priests and Thief.
- Arad Ranger avatars only have Hat, Top and Shoes.

- All Arad Ranger avatars cannot be sundered.


■ 2017 Hot Summer Avatar ■
- Unfortunately, Female Priests can only obtain 2017 Hot Summer avatars.

- Hot Summer Avatar has only Hat, Hair, Torso, Top and Shoes.


DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

