Scheduled Maintenance MAY 28, 2024 *UPDATED*
May 22, 2024 (UTC)
We will be performing a scheduled maintenance on MAY 28, 2024 (UTC).
Further details regarding the maintenance are listed below for your reference.
UTC (Universal Time Coordinated): MAY 28, 04:00 – MAY 28, 10:00
KST (Korean Standard Time): MAY 28, 13:00 – MAY 28, 19:00
PDT (Pacific Daylight Time): MAY 27, 21:00 – MAY 28, 03:00
EDT (Eastern Daylight Time): MAY 28, 00:00 – MAY 28, 06:00
< Contents & Events >
- Sacred Beasts Seon Tour!
- Honey Time in Mediator of Balance
< Changes/Fixes >
- Fixed an issue where Tales of Bravery - The Archmage's Hall of Dimensions
was not obtained after clearing The Archmage's Hall of Dimensions Transcendence Phase.
ㄴ Users who have cleared The Archmage's Hall of Dimensions Transcendence Phase will receive the applicable number of
Tales of Bravery - The Archmage's Hall of Dimensions in their mailbox after the MAY 28 maintenance.
- Fixed an issue where Tales of Bravery - The Archmage's Hall of Dimensions,
Tales of Bravery - The Machine Revolution item did not appear in the Expectable Rewards list.
- Due to the Merge of Armor Texture, Repair Coupons Trade-Type will be changed to untradable.
- Fixed an issue where the Auction Hall's Favorite list would continuously be reset.
ㄴ The Auction Hall's Favorite list will be properly displayed after the MAY 28 maintenance.
- Fixed an issue where the Ancient Warrior's Gold Armored Boots Avatar for Male Slayer was abnormally displayed.
- Fixed an issue where the basic avatar of the Mistress was abnormally displayed upon using the 2nd Awakening skill.
- Fixed an issue where the skill preview for the Male Brawler's Cursed Quake skill was abnormally displayed.
- Missions regarding Equipment Growth will be deleted in the Growth/Equipment Guide tab.
- The deletion date of the Arena Season mission rewards will be changed to SEP 3, 2024 09:00 UTC.
- Fixed some minor text issues.
- Fixed an issue where Warped Dimension Cubes cost 2 Fiery Breath - Warped Dimension Cubes instead of 1.
ㄴUntradable Warped Dimension Cubes have been sent to the mailbox of characters that have traded cubes during this issue.
* Rewards for the following events will be given out during the MAY 28 maintenance.
- MAY 24 ExStream Rewards
Thank you.
- Dungeon Fighter Online Support Team