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Female Fighter Renewal Giveaway Event


Jan 14, 2025 (UTC)


Greetings, Adventurers!


We’re excited to announce a special event to celebrate the Female Fighter’s renewal
with fantastic prizes, including deskmats, blankets, notebooks, pens, and stress balls!


Don’t miss your chance to grab these awesome goodies by participating in the following two contests:


#1 - Time Attack Challenge Contest

Do you have what it takes?


Put your Fighter (F) skills to the test in the Dusky Island (Unshackled) and Forest of Awakening (Extreme)!

Adventurers with the fastest total clear times of both Unshackled Largo and Hermit Ergon will be eligible for winning prizes!



#2 - Female Fighter Meme Fest Contest

Please Note: This is just an example!


It’s time to celebrate the Female Fighter’s renewal with your creativity and humor!


Make and submit a creative / hilarious meme, image, screenshot, or video 
like the video above featuring the Female Fighter advancements.


Showcase your skills, unique situations, and any over-the-top moments for a chance to get special rewards!



■ Basic Information

Schedule Contest Topic
Entry Period : JAN 14 2025 - FEB 4 2025 UTC
Winner Announcement : FEB 11, 2025 UTC

Time Attack

Time Attack video of content cleared by
Female Fighter advancement characters
Meme Fest Creative image/video/drawing/etc related to
the Female Fighter advancement characters
  • Applications may be submitted by accounts that have a Female Fighter advancement character over Lv. 110.
  • You can submit one entry per account (one account cannot apply for both contests).



■ Judging Criteria

Time Attack Challenge
  • Entries will be judged in order of the fastest combined clear time for the following content:
    - Dusky Island's Largo the Unshackled and the total time of Forest of Awakening: Extreme difficulty(1 ~ 3 Phase).


  • Clear time for Largo the Betrayer, Largo of Tribulation in Dusky Island will not be counted (Clear time of 4 bosses in total)
  • Example
    • Largo the Unshackled - 3 Minutes 40 Seconds
    • Forest of Awakening Phase 1  - 1 Minute  52 Seconds
    • Forest of Awakening Phase 2  - 2 Minutes 18 Seconds
    • Forest of Awakening Phase 3  - 2 Minutes 15 Seconds
    • Total = 10 Minutes 5 Seconds


Female Fighter Meme Fest
  1. Creativity

    • Emphasis on originality and execution.
    • Unique interpretation of the Female Fighter advancements.
  2. Humor

    • Strong focus on evoking laughter or amusement.
    • Appropriateness and relatability of the humor.
  3. Presentation

    • Consideration for the quality of the visual or video content.
    • Clear and engaging delivery of the meme, image, screenshot, or video.

Note: Submissions that are offensive, inappropriate, or irrelevant to the event theme will be disqualified.



■ Submission Rules

  • Submit your entry by creating a post including your Time Attack video or Female Fighter Meme Fest content through the Adventurer Academics Tab.


  • Please include the following information in your post.
    * All entries must be submitted in a form that can be accessed via URL link.
Title Time Attack - Character Name
Female Fighter Meme Fest - Character Name
URL URL of Video or content related to the event.
Character Check Fighter (F)


  • Create your post as follows.
For Time Attack Contest For Meme Fest Contest
  • Please ensure the setting for the captured in-game video format is set to High Quality.
  • You can configure this by navigating to Settings Menu → System Tab → Captured Video Format
The following formats can be submitted
  • Single screenshot of your gameplay/character, drawings, GIFs or videos
  • Max. 60 second limit for videos/GIFs
  • Please provide a description about the intention, meaning, punchline, etc. of the submission somewhere within the submitted URL link.



■ Contest Rewards

Time Attack
1st Place
(4 Winners)

Bakal Raid Pixel Desk Mat

Popping Popping Pen x 5
Time Attack
2st Place
(4 Winners)

Bluehawk Blanket 

Popping Popping Notebook x 2 & Popping Popping Jibbitz x 5
Female Fighter
Meme Fest

Archer Stress Ball & Metal Badge Set x 2

Becky Stress Ball & Metal Badge Set x 2

※ Number of winners for Female Fighter Meme Fest will pend on entries. Please check out the winners announcement in the future for more details.



So are you ready to showcase your skills and creativity? We look forward to your impressive and creative entries! Good luck and have fun!


- Dungeon Fighter Online Support Team


# Please Note

  • Partcipating in the event using unauthorized methods or submitting inappropriate content (as per our Community Rules) will result
    in disqualification and the revocation of rewards as well as additional penalties/restrictions in accordance with our Terms of Service and Community Rules.
  • Winners will be announced through a separate notice on our official homepage on FEB 11, 2025 UTC.
  • Winners may receive a request to provide additional information through the DFO Login account email in order for rewards to be shipped.
  • Winning entries may be reused or uploaded through the Dungeon Fighter Online YouTube channel.
  • For drawing/artwork entries, please keep your raw image files with discernable layers as we may ask for the original files when selecting winning entries.
  • Plagiarism is not allowed. Violating players will be disqualified from the event or have their game account banned.
  • Entries that use AI are not accepted.
  • Merchandise received may differ from the prize images above depending on your personal monitor resolution and color settings.


DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

