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2nd Awakening: Pathfinder

Master, I have a question.
Why did you choose such an ordinary student like me as your heir?
You would say it's too late to ask that now.
You're long dead.
I don't think you did because of what I think, but just in case you did...

"Well-developed scientific technology cannot be distinguished from magic."

That was your mantra.
And I believed in it.
If you chose me as your heir because of that, you were stupid.
None of the other students agreed with it.

Do you know how difficult things have been for me?
I'm charged with the CP Project on a budget that could feed the entire country.
You knew I didn't have good grades.
Of course, you knew: you graded me.
Thanks to you, I had a hard time convincing others of my worthiness.

Sometimes, I sigh in spite of myself.
I'm studying day and night,
getting myself into all kinds of trouble,
wasting all my youth,
and for what? Making your dreams come true.

But that's not what upsets me the most.
It's that you were right all along.

- The first Pathfinder's monologue in front of the first Core Master's grave



Icon Skill Name Level Skill Description
Core Paradigm 75 Effectively uses his Core Energy, increasing his basic Intension stacks, Intension gauge gain, Basic/Skill Atk., and Core Praxis's incoming damage reduction
Brandish Light 75 Releases energy from his blade and pistol, creating 2 long Core Energy swords, and then attacks enemies with abandon.
CEAB-2 80 Throws the Power Unit, CEAB-2, that absorbs the Core Energy from enemies in front.
The Power Unit explodes if you press the skill key again, or after its duration. If you hit the Unit a set number of times, it becomes fully charged and increases its Explosion Atk.
Exceed 85 Creates a powerful ball of Core Energy in front of him and explodes it.
This ball inflicts multi-hit damage and incapacitates enemies.
It also pulls enemies and compresses surrounding enemies with itself before it explodes.
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09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

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Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

