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Beyond the Illusion's Veil


Oct 20, 2020 (UTC)

Adventure! Can you stop the Apostle Sirocco from restoring her power in the Sky Castle in order to save Arad?




The "Purging Relic" which is entry material for the Sirocco Raid will be sent to your mail every week.
There is only 1 Purging Relic given out per account, and it will be deleted each Tuesday at 9:00 UTC.

Purging Relic Box
Contains 1 Purging Relic.(Purging Relic Boxes and Purging Relics are deleted every Tuesday at 09:00 UTC)



How to Enter Sirocco Raid

Only characters that have cleared the Act Quest "Back to Where We Belong" can participate in the Sirocco Raid.
You can only join the Sirocco Raid in the Sirocco Raid Channel, and the Sirocco Raid Channel will be on the Raid Channel Tab.

There are new Sirocco Raid special Missions only available during the event.(Click on the () icon above the Fatigue Point bar to check event information.)
Enter the Sirocco Raid and receive Rewards!




Sirocco Raid clear count is shared by account.

Mission Reward Description
Clear Sirocco Raid 2 times Petal Quartz Box(10) Contains 10 Petal Quartzes(Untradable). Petal Quartzes can be used for buying Liberated Subconscious Pots at the Raid Shop or performing certain quests.

Also used for fusion separation and option/equipment conversion at
Lemidia Basilica's Altar of Purification or Light Forge.
Clear Sirocco Raid 4 times Devouring Gusty Costume Box Contains a Devouring Gusty costume.
Costume is given as permanent and untradable.
Devouring Gusty Costume
Transforms you into Devouring Gusty for 5 minutes.
Increases your Town Movement Speed by 10% while transformed. Can only be used in town.
Clear Sirocco Raid 6 times Gurumi Costume Box Contains a Gurumi costume.
Costume is given as permanent and untradable.
Gurumi Costume Box
Contains a Gurumi costume.
Costume is given as permanent and untradable.
Clear all missions Intangible Damage Font Adds [Intangible Damage Font] to your damage font list.
(Damage Font is bound to the character you use it on.)


# Please note
* Only characters above Level 100 can participate in the event.
* Only characters that have cleared the Act Quest "Back to Where We Belong" can participate in the Sirocco Raid.
* All mission rewards will be sent via mail and will be deleted at 09:00, NOV 17, 2020 UTC.

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

