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DFO Content Creator Recruitment


Jan 14, 2025 (UTC)

Greetings, DFO Adventurers!


Content Creators are official representatives of our community, showcasing their talents
through streaming, YouTube videos, guides, fan art, and more to shine a spotlight on DFO.


We're now looking for new Content Creators to join us in 2025!
Check out the details below and apply to become a DFO Content Creator!


■ Basic Information

Dates Content
Application Period : JAN 14, 2025 - FEB 4, 2025 UTC
Content Creator Announcement : FEB 11, 2025 UTC
All content related to Dungeon Fighter Online.



■ Monthly Activity Criteria

Applications may be submitted by accounts that have a main character over Lv.110.
Detailed applicant qualifications for each category are as follows.

Category Monthly Activity Criteria
Streamer [Standard]
Should stream for a minimum total of 6 hours per week on Twitch / YouTube.
While meeting the standard activity criteria, stream a cumulative total of 50 hours per month.
PvP Creator [Standard]
Host one community PvP tournament per month or conduct one weekly DFO Arena content.
PvP Tournament Requirements: The tournament must have a minimum of 8 participants, and the PvP Creator is responsible for organizing the event, including rewards, format, and results submission.
** DFO Arena Content: This content is designed for casual PvP enjoyment between players.
Creators have full discretion on how they run Arena Content in the PvP mode.
Host two community PvP tournaments per month or conduct DFO Arena content at least twice a week. (totaling 8 or more sessions per month)
Video Creator [Standard]
Upload videos with a total duration of 15 minutes or more per month.
Upload videos with a total duration of 30 minutes or more per month.
DFO Commentator
/ Blogger
The activity criteria for DFO Commentators/Bloggers may vary depending on their representative content.
Please specify the content you wish to showcase when applying. Here are some basic examples:
DFO Guide Contents (Example)
  • Short-form guide: Upload 2 times per month
  • Long-form guide: Upload 1 time per month
  • The guide length criteria are based on the number of guide pages and the type of information provided.
  • Short-form guide: Upload 4 times per month
  • Long-form guide: Upload 2 time per month
Art Creator Art Creator activities are divided into illustration and cartoon creators.
  • Illustration: Upload an illustration to DFO Community 1 time per month
  • Cartoon: Upload a cartoon to DFO Community 2 times per month
  • Illustration: Upload an illustration to DFO Community 2 times per month
  • Cartoon: Upload a cartoon to DFO Community 4 times per month

(1) Standard Monthly Activity Criteria represent the minimum activity requirements for Content Creators.
Failure to meet these requirements may result in the removal of Content Creator status.
(2) Advanced Monthly Activity Criteria serve as the basis for additional rewards.
These criteria apply to creators who demonstrate activities that go above and beyond the Standard Monthly Activity Criteria.


■ Partner Guidelines

Detailed information about our Partner Guidelines can be found here.



■ Recruitment Categories

Category Platform Requirements
Streamer Twitch / YouTube Must be a user who is passionate about and plays DFO regularly.
PvP Creator YouTube Requires a high level of understanding regarding DFO PvP content.
Video Creator YouTube Requires video editing skills and passion for DFO.
DFO Commentator / Blogger DFO Reddit Requires a high degree of knowledge regarding all DFO content.
Art Creator DFO Reddit Requires a high level of understanding regarding DFO and internet subculture.



■ How to Apply

From JAN 14 - FEB 4, we are recruiting our official DFO Content Creators!
Please fill out the following application and send it to before 09:00, FEB 4, 2025 UTC.
We will carefully review each application and announce our Content Creators on FEB 11, 2025 UTC.

IGN Your Character Name
Registered Email -
Reason for Application -
Discord ID -
Social Media Link Twitter / Facebook / Instagram
Attachment Twitch or Youtube Link / Youtube Link / Post sample / Art sample



■ Content Creator Rewards

Share your content with DFO adventurers and get special rewards!
Rewards will be given on the second maintenance of every month for 6 months.
The DFO Content Creator title will be given only once, and the monthly rewards may change depending on the update.

Type Rewards
Standard Mystical Arcane Box x30
Kaleido Box x20
Special Entry Ticket Selection Box x20
Neo Premium Plus Contract: 30 Days
DFO Content Creator Title
The latest Avatar package
Excessive Mystical Arcane Boxes x50
Kaleido Box x20
Special Entry Ticket Selection Box x40
Neo Premium Plus Contract: 30 Days
DFO Content Creator Title
The latest Avatar package

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

