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New Items and Equipment Growth System

New Items Added

  • The following new Equipment items will be added.
Rarity Description
Lv. 105 Common Equipment Normal Common equipment.
Lv. 105 Uncommon Equipment Normal Uncommon equipment.
Lv. 105 Rare Equipment Magic-sealed equipment. Unlike the existing Rare equipment, it has separate damage (Damage Value) and Buffer-only options (Buff Power).
Doesn't offer Set options. Can be found in dungeons.
Only exists in Tradable form.
Lv. 105 Unique Equipment Offers enough damage to be useful until you find Lv. 105 Epic equipment.
Doesn't offer Set options. Can be found in dungeons or from Selection Boxes sold at the Shop.
Only exists in Untradable form.
Lv. 105 Legendary Equipment Creates an equal chance for its options to be added to it when obtained. Their performance is the same as Lv. 105 Custom Option Epic equipment's.
Doesn't offer Set options. Can be found in dungeons.
Can be traded and resealed.
Option levels exist. Can only be used as material for the Option Growth/Transfer systems.
Can't be used for Option Level transfers.
Lv. 105 Epic Equipment
(Fixed Option Epic)
Its options become fixed when it's obtained.
Doesn't offer Set options. Can be found in dungeons or from Selection Boxes sold at the Shop.
Only exists in Untradable form. Can be retexturized.
Option levels exist. Its options can be grown through the Option Growth/Option Level Transfer systems. Can be used as material for the same systems.
Can't be used for Option transfers.
Includes the Aspect-Devoured weapons and the weapons of Culmination.
Lv. 105 Epic Equipment
(Custom Option Epic)
Creates an equal chance for its options to be added to it when obtained.
Doesn't offer Set options or weapons. Can be found in dungeons.
Only exists in Untradable form. Can be retexturized.
Option levels exist. Its options can be grown through the Option Growth/Option Level Transfer systems. Can be used as material for the same systems.
1 option can be changed through the Option Transfer system.
Dark Fragmented Equipment
(Lv. 100 Unique)
Equipment with the Fragmented Abyss equipment's advanced convertible options. Shares the Set options with the Fragmented Abyss equipment.
Can be found in dungeons.
Can be traded, but only before equipped. Can't be resealed, engraved, or inherited.



  • For Lv. 105 equipment items, Damage Value and Buff Power options will be added as new options to replace the Damage and Buffer-Only related options found on Lv. 100 or lower equipment.
Type Lv. 100 Equipment Lv. 105 Equipment Details
Damage Options · Additional Damage
· Critical Damage
· Bonus Damage
· All Atk.
· STR/INT Bonus (%)
· Physical/Magical/Independent Atk. (%)
· Continuous Damage
Damage Value
  • The Damage Value option is a new Damage option whose value is combinable.
  • Damage Value options are not affected by Bonus Damage options on equipment for up to Lv. 100 that has a Level requirement.
  • The Damage Value field will be added to the My Info > Details window to show the total amount of Damage Value that's applied on your current character.
  • The same Elemental Damage and Skill Atk. Bonus options as Lv. 100 are applied to Lv. 105.
Buffer-Only Options · Lv. 30 Buff Skills' STR/INT Bonus
· Lv. 30 Buff Skills' Physical/Magical/Independent Atk. Bonus
· Lv. 50 Active Skills' STR/INT Bonus
· Grace of Protection VIT/SPR Bonus
· Revelation: Aria/Puppeteer INT Bonus
Buff Power
  • The Buff Power option is a new option whose value is combinable. It affects all Buffer classes' Lv. 30 Buff and Lv. 50 Active skill stats.
  • Buff Power options are not affected by Buffer-only options on equipment for up to Lv. 100 that has a Level requirement.
  • The Buff Power field will be added to the My Info > Details window to show the total amount of Buff Power that's applied on your current character.
  • The same Lv. 30 Buff and Lv. 50 Active Skill-leveling Buffer-only options as Lv. 100 are applied to Lv. 105.



  • New Enchanting Cards will be added.
Card Name Tradability Rarity Parts Stats (Max-upgraded)
Angel of Chaos Luciferre Card
(1 time)
Unique Weapon, Top, Bottom VIT +100
(Buffer-only Solo Play option)
Independent Atk. +70
INT +40

 Archangel Michael Card
Weapon, Top, Bottom SPR +100
(Buffer-only Solo Play option)
Independent Atk. +70
INT +40
Drachen Angst Zero Card
Head/Shoulder INT +25
Magical Critical Chance +6%

 Drachenjäger Card
Head/Shoulder STR +25
Physical Critical Chance +6%

 Drachen Angst Card
Belt, Shoes INT +35
Magical Critical Chance +3%
Eternal Flame Captain Stark Card
Head/Shoulder Skill Atk. +1%
Physical Atk. +30
Magic Atk. +30
Independent Atk. +30
Physical Critical Chance +5%
Magical Critical Chance +5%

 King Destroyer Card
Head/Shoulder, Belt, Shoes STR +100

 Revived Gold Clown Card
Weapon All Elemental Damages +13

Tomboy Becky Card
Head/Shoulder, Belt, Shoes INT +100
(Buffer-only Solo Play option)
Magical Critical Chance +7%

 Kalbarri of Light Card
Belt, Shoes STR +35
Physical Critical Chance +3%

 Pure Paidion Card
Weapon Fire Damage +15
Light Damage +15

 Monster of Light Python Card
Weapon Light Damage +15
Shadow Damage +15

 Volt MX3 Card
Weapon Fire Damage +15
Water Damage +15

 Mad Rike Card
Weapon Water Damage +15
Shadow Damage +15
Queen Destroyer Card
Legendary Necklace, Bracelet, Ring Fire Damage +35
Light Damage +35

 Abyss Walker Card
Necklace, Bracelet, Ring Water Damage +35
Shadow Damage +35

 Unstable Rifts Card
Necklace, Bracelet, Ring All Elemental Damages +33



  • The Adventurer Fame of some Enchanting Cards/Beads will be adjusted.
Card/Bead Name Adventurer Fame (Before) Adventurer Fame (After)
Leste, Sirocco Devoid of Thought Before Upgrade
Adventurer Fame: 106

Upgraded Once
Adventurer Fame: 106

Adventurer Fame: 130
Before Upgrade
Adventurer Fame: 106

Upgraded Once
Adventurer Fame: 130

Adventurer Fame: 147
Leveche, Sirocco Devoid of Self
Assassin in the Fog



Option Growth System

  • You can now use the Option Growth system through NPC Loton's new menu: Option Fusion.
  • Through Option Growth, you can fully combine the values of the same options on your target and material equipment. Other options can only be combined by a certain portion of the material equipment.
    (The options, not the equipment, affect this combination.)
If using equipment with identical options If using equipment with a few shared options
Both items are Fixed Option Epic and have the identical options.

Therefore, all their option levels and EXP can be fully combined.
In this case, the target and material items are different and share only one option: HP 460.2 per min.

It doesn't matter if this shared option is in a different location. (Example: HP 460.2 per min is the target item's Option 4 and the material's Option 3.)

The shared option's level and EXP can be fully combined, but the other 3 options (Options 1, 2 and 3 shown above)


  • The Option Growth system's details are as follows.
  • Can be used on the following equipment.
    - Lv. 105 Epic Equipment
    - Lv. 105 Legendary Equipment


  • The target and material equipment must be of the same kind.


  • If the material equipment's option levels are lower than the target's, that creates a chance of Great Success.
    - Great Success increases your EXP gain by up to 2 times.


  • The material equipment disappears.
    - Reinforced, amplified, refined, or enchanted equipment can't be used as material.


  • Some Lv. 100 Epic equipment can be used as Option Growth System material and converted to Option Lv. 20
    (at 0.00% EXP).
Lv. 100 Epic Equipment Part Conditions
Weapon · Immaterial or Dragontongue Essence added
· Max option-converted
Bottom, Ring, Sub Equipment · Sirocco Epic Equipment Fusion and max option-converted
Head/Shoulder, Belt, Shoes, Necklace, Magic Stone · Ozma Epic Equipment Fusion


  • The Option Growth system requires the following items.
Condition Option Match 4 3 2 1 0
If one of the registered equipment option level is 21 or higher Golden Beryl  50 40 30 20 10
Gold 50,000
Power Essence  1
If one of the registered equipment option level 20 or below Golden Beryl  10 8 6 4 2
Gold 25,000
Power Essence  1

- Some Lv. 100 Epic equipments used as Option Growth System material equials to Option Match count 4.



Option Transfer System

  • You can now use the Option Transfer system through NPC Loton's new menu: Option Fusion.
  • Option Transfer overwrites the target equipment's selected option with the material's.
  • If the target equipment already had an option transferred to it before, then only that transferred option can be changed to something else.
First-time Option Transfer  Second-time Option Transfer
Because the target equipment never had an option transferred to it before, you can select any option among the 4 for the transfer. Because the target equipment already had an option transferred to it before, you can only select that option for another transfer.
  • The Option Transfer system's details are as follows.
  • Can be used on the following equipment.
    - Lv. 105 Custom Option Epic Equipment
    - Lv. 105 Legendary Equipment


  • The target and material equipment must be of the same kind.
    - Some options can only be transferred to specific equipment and can't be transferred to others, even if their types match.
    - You can check these special options in DFOpedia > Options.


  • The material equipment disappears.
    - Reinforced, amplified, refined, or enchanted equipment can't be used as material.
  • Options of the same kind can't be transferred.


  • The Option Transfer system requires the following items.
    - Golden Beryl x250
    - 250,000 Gold
    - Power Essence x2


  • You can check your equipment's Option Transfer history by the arrow marks in its tooltip.
Equipment with No Option Transfer History Equipment with an Option Transfer History
All the 4 options have the left arrow mark activated, meaning they're ready to receive a transfer. Option 1 has received a transfer. Only its arrow is activated.



Option Level Transfer System

  • You can now use the Option Level Transfer system through NPC Loton's new menu:
    Option Fusion.
  • Option Level Transfer overwrites the target equipment's option levels and EXP with the material's.

  • You can transfer the material equipment's option levels and EXP to the target, even if their options are different.


  • The Option Level Transfer system's details are as follows.
  • Option levels can only be transferred between Lv. 105 Epic equipment.
  • Equipment that can be sealed or traded can't be used.
  • The target and material equipment must be of the same kind.
  • The material equipment disappears.
    - Reinforced, amplified, refined, or enchanted equipment can't be used as material.


  • The Option Level Transfer system requires the following items.
    - Golden Beryl x500
    - 500,000 Gold
    - Power Essence x5



Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

