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Watcher in the Rift


Watcher in the Rift

Over the collapsed boundary of spacetime, mysterious energy slips in.

It then merges itself with Sirocco's spiritual residue that's been wandering inside the dimensional storm, angry.

What's this energy that's sneaked into the storm?

The beings that have been watching the division of Arad are now on the move, through the dimensional storm and Sirocco's spiritual residue.


Guide of Extinction

Here, the Guide's wisdom resides.

It turned out that this wise being isn't the only one with its eye on the spacetime of Arad.

Where there's light, there's darkness.

To tear down wisdom and restore balance to the scales of power, the energy of destruction starts rolling in.



Basic Rules

Watcher in the Rift

  • To enter this dungeon, clear the [Watcher in the Rift] The Invaded Rifts quest through NPC Woon Lyonir in The Erlox - Stormy Route.
  • This quest is unlocked when you complete the [Stormy Route] The Philasia's First Destination quest.
  • Level 100 or above is required.
  • 8 Fatigue and 27 Time's Guide Stones are consumed upon entry.
  • Has higher Epic and Mythic drop rates than the Guide of Wisdom.
  • Defeating the Boss monster creates a chance of Intrusion, through which you can get Level 100 Epic and Mythic equipment.


Guide of Extinction

  • To enter this dungeon, clear the [Watcher in the Rift] The Invaded Rifts quest through NPC Woon Lyonir in The Erlox - Stormy Route.
  • This quest is unlocked when you complete the [Stormy Route] The Philasia's First Destination quest.
  • Level 100 or above is required.
  • 8 Fatigue, 27 Time's Guide Stones, and 100,000 Watchful Energy are consumed upon entry.
  • The Boss monster always drops Level 100 Epic equipment, with a chance of Intrusion, through which you can get Sirocco Epic and Mythic equipment.




Watchful Energy

  • Monsters in the Watcher in the Rift dungeon increase your Watchful Energy when defeated.
  • You can accumulate up to 300,000 Watchful Energy.
  • Monsters drop a different amount of Watchful Energy, depending on their type.
  • The Watchful Energy UI appears when you enter the Stormy Route.
  • One slot will be activated for every 100,000 Watchful Energy.
  • Watchful Energy is used as a material to enter the "Guide of Extinction" dungeon.



Boss Intrusion

  • Dungeons create a chance of Boss Intrusion.
  • Intruding Boss monsters always drop equipment. The available types of Boss monsters and their equipment drops are as follows.
Boss Name Intruding Dungeon Icon Equipment Drop
Capricious Demon Prion Watcher in the Rift Level 100 Epic Equipment
Parasitic Sponger Watcher in the Rift
Guide of Extinction
Level 100 Mythic Equipment
Ender's Enthralled Rodos Guide of Extinction Level 100 Sirocco Equipment (Rodos)
Reverberating Immateriality
Ender's Enthralled Gatekeeper Level 100 Sirocco Equipment (Gatekeeper)
Reverberating Immateriality
Ender's Enthralled Roxy Level 100 Sirocco Equipment (Roxy)
Reverberating Immateriality
Ender's Enthralled Nex Level 100 Sirocco Equipment (Nex)
Reverberating Immateriality
Ender's Enthralled Assassin Level 100 Sirocco Equipment (Assassin)
Reverberating Immateriality


Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

