Day 1 Visit Gift
Gift | Description | |
Seria's Greetings [Title] | [Title]
Spirit of Seria [Creature] | [Seria Creature]
Seria's Teleportation Potion | You can move to the Seria's Room of a different region. | |
Growing Armor Box | Contains a set of Armor that grows according to your character's level. |
Day 2 Visit Gift
Gift | Description | |
Character Support Fried Chicken | Generates EXP Growth Potion and 20 Fatigue Recovery Potion. This item can be used once a day. |
Day 3 Visit Gift
Gift | Description | |
Silver Safe Upgrade Kit | Extends your character's safe slots to 40. | |
Inventory Expansion Kit | Adds 8 extra slots to character's inventory tabs. |
Day 4 Visit Gift
Gift | Description | |
Level Up Ticket (1~88) | Increases character's level by 1 when used. | |
Master Contract 15 Days | Contains 15 day supply of Tactician's Contract, Conqueror's Contract, Growth Contract and Cube Contract. |
Day 5 Visit Gift
Gift | Description | |
Glorious Armor of Orobas set box | Contains Halidom : Glorious Armor of Orobas set of your choice. |
Day 6 Visit Gift
Gift | Description | |
Advancement Change Scroll x 4 | Enables advanced characters at level 51-69 to change to another available class for their character. |
Day 7 Visit Gift
Gift | Description | |
Remy's Touch x 100 | Immediately restores 30% of your Max HP and MP. | |
Mana Aid x 100 | Immediately restores 30% of your MP. It does not have cooldown. |
Day 8 Visit Gift
Gift | Description | |
Selective Creature Box | Contains creature of your choice. |
Day 9 Visit Gift
Gift | Description | |
Level Up Ticket (1~88) | Increases character's level by 1 when used. |
Day 10 Visit Gift
Gift | Description | |
Neo Premium Plus Contract (15 days) | Adds 15 days of Neo Premium Plus Contract when used. |
* Please Note:
DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.
However, you can use this feature to convert
the UTC time to your local time.
This will allow you to keep track of important things
such as start/end of events, expiration of
event/sale items, etc. in your local time.
This setting will only be applied to the current
browser you are accessing from.
09 : 28
Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)
09 : 28
Tue, 10 Oct 2017