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Sirocco Guide Dungeon

Sirocco Guide Dungeon

  • The Sirocco Raid Guide mode will be added.
  • You can play this content in a 1-person Raid Group on Solo mode.
  • You can play once a day, 2 days a week, between Friday ~ Sunday.
  • This Guide mode shares its Entry count with the Normal and Squad Sirocco Raid modes.
  • Up to 3 characters can be bound to this dungeon every week, and only those bound characters can enter it.
  • These bound characters are shared between the Squad and Guide modes.
  • Starting the Guide dungeon binds your current character to it. (Reset on Tuesdays)
  • The dungeon's time limit will be deleted.
  • The original dungeon's difficulty level and composition will be changed to match Solo play.
  • 1 Small Purging Relic is required to use the Sirocco Raid Guide mode.
  • You can get it through the Small Purging Relic Box sold at the Raid Shop.


How to Enter

  • In the Sirocco the Intangible Raid channel, select NPC Shinjang's Create Raid Group menu, and then Guide (Solo) to create a Raid Group.
  • The Entry material, Small Purging Relic, can be obtained through the Small Purging Relic Box sold at the Raid Shop.
  • Move to the Lobby on the right side and select NPC Zanbato Aganzo's Start Raid menu to start the Raid.


Basic Rules

  • Entering this dungeon doesn't cost Fatigue.
  • Life Tokens are limited to 4 per subdungeon.
  • At least 5,938 Exorcism is required.
  • The same Consumable use limit as the Normal Raid is applied.
  • Phantasmal Healing Potions sold by NPC Aganzo can be used.​


Differences from Normal Sirocco Raid

  • Some Boss monsters display Guide images containing information about certain attack patterns.
    - The dungeon is paused while these Guide images are displayed.
    - You can disable the Guide images by selecting the Disable Guide option.
    - This Disable Guide option is located at the bottom of the Status Board and the Guide window.
  • Every time you move on to a new floor, the Status Board will be opened automatically, displaying helpful information.
    - You can check the gimmicks in each subdungeon through the Status Board Help messages.
    - You can disable the Guide images by selecting the Disable Guide option.
    - This Disable Guide option is located at the bottom of the Status Board.
    - You can check the Status Board Help messages by clicking the question mark at the bottom left side of the Status Board.
  • The Guide dungeon is activated in 2 different phases, depending on the number of time you entered it in a week, and it generates different subdungeons on certain floors.
    - Gateway of Trials I/II
  • Certain floors only generate one subdungeon. When you clear this dungeon, you will be moved to the next floor.
    - Gateway of Laws and Hall of Immateriality Phase 1
  • Some of the locked dungeons will become immediately accessible.
    - Gateway of Intelligence - Night of Terrors, Border of Phantasm, and Day of Return
    - Gateway of Trials II - Castle of the Phantasm and Phantasm of the Castle
    - Hall of Immateriality Phase 3 - Hall of Subconsciousness: Denial/Suppression
  • Some of the subdungeons that are regenerated when cleared will not be regenerated.
    - Hall of Immateriality Phase 2 - Altered Hall of Subconsciousness
    - Hall of Immateriality Phase 3 - Hall of Subconsciousness: Suppression/Oblivion
  • Certain features of the Hall of Immateriality will be modified.
    - When you enter Hall of Consciousness after clearing the Altered Hall of Subconsciousness, Sirocco the Intangible will become Groggy after a while.
    - When you clear the Hall of Subconsciousness: Suppression, you can enter the Hall of Subconsciousness: Oblivion.
    - When you clear the Hall of Subconsciousness: Oblivion, you can enter the True Hall of Consciousness.
    - When you enter the  True Hall of Consciousness and encounter Sirocco, the Hall of Inner Self will be opened after a while.



  • The 'Radiant Mirror' and 'Radiant Image' buff will be applied.



  • The following rewards are given for clearing the Sirocco Raid Guide mode.
  • Compared to the Normal Sirocco Raid, this dungeon creates a low chance of the Gold Card, but everything else—equipment, cards, etc.—has the same drop rate.
  • The Sirocco Raid Guide mode, when cleared, doesn't add items to the Loot Shop > Raid Special List


Category Type Rewards
Chase Raid Group
  • Randomly generates one of the following.
    - 2 Petal Quartzes
    - 3 Petal Quartzes
Subjugation Normal
  • 120 Undaunted Determinations
  • Randomly generates one of the following.
    - 1 Petal Quartz
    - 2 Petal Quartzes
Raid Group
  • Randomly generates one of the following
    - 6 Petal Quartzes
    - 7 Petal Quartzes
    - 8 Petal Quartzes
    - 10 Petal Quartzes
    - 13 Petal Quartzes
    - 10 Petal Quartzes + 10 Exquisite Petal Quartzes
    - 6 Petal Quartzes + 1 Sirocco Unique/Legendary monster card
    - 6 Petal Quartzes + 1 Immaterial Essence
    - 6 Petal Quartzes + 1 Tearful Residue, Faithful Residue, or Scented Residue
    - 6 Petal Quartzes + 1 Lv. 100 Sirocco Epic Bottoms, Ring, or Sub Equipment
    - 6 Petal Quartzes + 1 Lv. 100 Sirocco Product of Wisdom weapon or armor
    - 6 Petal Quartzes + 1 Lv. 100 Mythic equipment


Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

