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Status Board

(Initial Status Board)



(Enter Button and Select Dungeon)



(Retreat Button)


  • Press the Insert key or move to the right side of the Lobby to open the Status Board.
  • The Raid Commander can use Party Ping after selecting a dungeon slot.
  • Only party leaders can use the Enter button. Select the dungeon you want, and then press the Enter button (Spacebar) to enter.
  • Party leaders can also abandon dungeons by selecting the Retreat button at the bottom of the Status Board. When you retreat, your party enters the Recovery status and is unable to enter any dungeon for 15 seconds.



Quick Status Board/Raid Group Member Info

Quick Status Board Raid Group Member Info Window
  • When you close the Status Board, you can use the Quick Status Board on the upper right side to check the Raid status.
  • On the upper left side, you can check the list of Raid Group Member list and Member statuses.




Sirocco Chase Operation (Sky Castle - Lower Section)

  • Chase Sirocco the Intangible hiding in the Hall of Immateriality.
  • Sky Castle - Lower Section is occupied by Sirocco's followers and consists of 4 Gateways.



How to Fight

  • Each Gateway has its own unique clear conditions. You must satisfy them to move on to the next area.
  • Your goal is to clear all the Gateways, including the last Gateways of Trials.
  • If you fail, all the dungeons in the corresponding area will be reset.



Area 1: Gateway of Laws

  • The Gateway of Laws consists of 4 Destroyed Gate dungeons.
  • If at least 1 party enters one of the dungeons, all the dungeons display a 5-minute time limit.
  • You must clear the Gateway of Laws in 5 minutes, or your progression will be completely reset.
  • Discover the correct order of the Gates and clear the Gateway to enter Area 2.



Area 2: Gateway of Intelligence

  • The Gateway of Intelligence consists of 4 organically linked dungeons.
  • When you first enter this Gateway, only the Dawn of Dreams dungeon is opened. After you enter this dungeon, the other dungeons are unlocked.
  • When you enter this Gateway, all the gimmicks in the Gateway of Intelligence are activated, organically interacting with each other across the dungeons.


Border of Phantasm Night of Terrors

[Border of Phantasm Gimmicks]

→ Night of Terrors Transmission Gimmick
* Periodically summons monster-type twisters.


→ Day of Return Dungeon Transmission Gimmick
* Periodically decreases your party's Def. by 25%.
* Stacks up to 100%.


→ Dawn of Dreams Transmission Gimmick
* Periodically summons Imposters in the dungeon.

[Night of Terrors Gimmicks]

→ Border of Phantasm Dungeon Transmission Gimmick
* Periodically interferes with your vision.
* Enables you to use Remy and Toys.


→ Dawn of Dreams Dungeon Transmission Gimmick
* Periodically increases the Boss monster's (Hanielle) Atk. by 10%.
* Stacks up to 50%.

* Clear this dungeon to reset all the gimmicks.
  - Adds the Damage Intensification +100% effect to the Dawn of Dreams dungeon.


* Can't be reopened when cleared.

* Clear this dungeon to reset all the gimmicks.


* Reopened after a while with all the gimmicks activated.

[Border of Phantasm Penalty Gimmicks]

← Penalties by Night of Terrors Dungeon
* Periodically interferes with your vision.
* Enables you to use Remy and Toys.


← Penalties by Day of Return Dungeon
* Periodically summons Imposters.

[Night of Terrors Penalty Gimmicks]

← Penalties by Border of Phantasm Dungeon
* Periodically summons monster-type twisters.

Day of Return Dawn of Dreams

[Day of Return Gimmicks]

→ Border of Phantasm Dungeon Transmission Gimmick
* Periodically summons Imposters.


→ Dawn of Dreams Dungeon Transmission Gimmick
* Periodically drops Marcelo's minions from the sky, making them explode.

[Dawn of Dreams Gimmicks]

* Dawn of Dreams doesn't cause penalties to the other dungeons.

* Clear this dungeon to reset all the gimmicks.


* Reopened after a while with all the gimmicks activated.

* If the Dawn of Dreams party retreats or fails, all the other parties in the other dungeons will be moved out to the Lobby.


* Clear this dungeon to clear the Gateway of Intelligence.

[Day of Return Penalty Gimmicks]

← Penalties by Border of Phantasm Dungeon
* Periodically decreases your party's Def. by 25%.
* Stacks up to 100%.

[Dawn of Dreams Penalty Gimmick Descriptions]

← Penalties by Border of Phantasm Dungeon
* Periodically summons Imposters in the dungeon.


← Penalties by Night of Terrors Dungeon
* Periodically increases the Boss monster (Hanielle)'s Atk. by 10%.
* Stacks up to 50%.


← Penalties by Day of Return Dungeon
* Periodically drops Marcelo's minions from the sky, making them explode.



Area 3: Gateway of Trials 1

  • Area 3, the Gateway of Trials 1, starts as 4 dungeons.
  • The Mirror of Trials has the following gimmicks.
    - At the beginning of Gateway of Trials 1, a 5-minute time limit is activated.
    - After this time, all your progression in Gateway of Trials 1 or 2 will be reset, and you'll be moved back to the starting point of Gateway of Trials 1.
    - The Gateway of Trials 1 dungeon, when cleared, is reopened after 90 seconds of respawn time.
    - This reopened dungeon activates a new clear time limit.
        > Exceed any of the time limits displayed on the Status Board, and you'll be moved to the starting point of Gateway of Trials 1.



Area 4: Gateway of Trials 2

  • Area 4, the Gateway of Trials 2, starts as 4 dungeons.
    - Area 2 shares gimmicks with Area 1, and displays the Mirror of Trials clear time limits at the bottom of the Status Board.
    - Exceed both time limits, and you'll be moved back to the starting point of Gateway of Trials 1.
  • At the beginning, you can only enter the 2 Gateways of Immateriality. Inaccessible dungeons display a chain around them to show their locked status.
    - The parties that have entered the Gateways of Immateriality must encounter the Boss monsters to unlock the Castle of Phantasm and Phantom of the Castle dungeons.


Gateway of Immateriality The Castle of Phantasm/Phantasm of the Castle

* To enter the Gateways of Immateriality dungeon and encounter the Boss monsters to unlock the dungeons below them.


* If you retreat from or fail the Gateways of Immateriality, then your Damage Intensification effect will be reset.

* These dungeons are connected to the Gateways of Immateriality above, and add Damage Intensification to the Gateways every time they're cleared.
* A certain amount of Damage Intensification is applied every time you clear them.
  - This amount will be displayed in gauge form beneath each dungeon.


* These dungeons can be cleared continuously, but can't add Damage Intensification past the maximum limit.

Mirror of Trials  
* Shares clear time limit with Area 1: Mirror of Trials. If you exceed the time limit, you'll be moved back to the starting point of Gateway of Trials 1.




Sirocco Subjugation Operation (Hall of Immateriality [Sirocco's Plane of Illusions])

  • The Adventurer, after reaching the Hall of Immateriality, enters Sirocco's Plane of Illusions to subjugate her.
  • The Hall of Immateriality consists of 3 battle zones.



Hall of Immateriality - The 3rd Plane

  • Hall of Subconsciousness consists of 4 dungeons.
  • These dungeons are identical to each other. Boss monsters appear at the starting point, which is randomly decided, and in other random places.
  • If one or more parties clear all the 4 dungeons, the 3rd Plane will be cleared.



(Initial Status)



(1 Dungeon Cleared)




Hall of Immateriality - The 2nd Plane

  • Consists of 2 Altered Halls of Subconsciousness and 2 Halls of Consciousness.
  • These Altered Halls of Subconsciousness and Halls of Consciousness are paired with each other.


  • Clearing an Altered Hall of Subconsciousness activates a gimmick in the linked Hall of Consciousness that makes the Boss monster Groggy.
  • A party can enter the Hall of Consciousness, and then clear the linked Altered Hall of Subconsciousness to clear the 2nd Plane.
    - If you clear an Altered Hall of Subconsciousness without encountering the Boss monster in the linked Hall of Consciousness, the Boss monster won't become Groggy.
    - The Altered Hall of Subconsciousness will be reopened in 90 seconds.
  • Clear both the Halls of Consciousness to clear the 2nd Plane. The Altered Halls of Subconsciousness don't need to be cleared.



(Initial Status)



(Clear Altered Hall of Subconsciousness)



(Clear Hall of Consciousness)




Hall of Immateriality - The 1st Plane

  • Starts as 6 dungeons.
  • Only 3 True Halls of Consciousness are accessible by default. To enter the other Halls of Subconsciousness, at least one of your parties must encounter Sirocco.
  • The Sirocco Raid will be ended if you exhaust all the HP of the Sirocco that appears in the True Hall of Consciousness in this phase.


True Halls of Consciousness 1–3
  • These dungeons are linked to each other, and generate 3 different types of Siroccos.
  • The 3 Siroccos share HP.
  • If a party inflicts damage on a Sirocco, their HP bar will be updated.
  • At least one of your parties must encounter a Sirocco to unlock the other Halls of Subconsciousness.
  • Parties in these dungeons enter the Encroached status.
* If Groggy reaches a certain amount, all the parties in the True Halls of Consciousness will be moved to the Hall of Inner Self.
* You will be moved to the Lobby after a certain amount of Groggy time.


Hall of Subconsciousness: Oblivion
  • At least one of your parties must encounter a Sirocco to enter this dungeon.
  • If you enter it and none of your parties encounters a Sirocco, then all your parties will be removed from the dungeon.
* When dungeons are swapped, the aura above will be displayed on the Status Board.
* Clear the Roxy dungeon at this time, and Groggy will be added to the True Hall of Subconsciousness.
* Afterward, it'll be reopened after a certain amount of respawn time.


Hall of Subconsciousness: Denial
  • At least one of your parties must encounter a Sirocco to enter these dungeons.
  • If you enter it and none of your parties encounters a Sirocco, then all your parties will be removed from the dungeon.
  • If one of your parties encounters a Sirocco, then the 1st Plane's clear time limit will start to deplete.
  • If the time limit is depleted completely, you will be reset to the 3rd Plane.
* Clear this dungeon to reset your time limit.
* It will be reopened after a certain amount of respawn time.


Hall of Subconsciousness: Suppression
  • At least one of your parties must encounter a Sirocco to enter this dungeon.
  • If you enter it and none of your parties encounters a Sirocco, then all your parties will be removed from the dungeon.
* Clear this dungeon to swap Siroccos in the True Halls of Subconsciousness.
* It will be reopened after a certain amount of respawn time.




New Systems

Trajectory of Nothingness

  • The Trajectory of Nothingness System will be added to all the Sirocco Raid dungeons.
  • Trajectory of Nothingness slows time for dungeon monsters.
  • Player characters are not affected by the slowed time.
Charging Trajectory of Nothingness Using Trajectory of Nothingness


  • You can check the availability of Trajectory of Nothingness through the new UI next to the HP UI, and only party leaders can use it.
    - Its UI is displayed when you encounter a Boss monster, activating a gauge.
    - Party leaders can use it while dead or waiting to resurrect.
    - If a party leader leaves, its use permissions will be transferred to the next party leader.
  • Trajectory of Nothingness is automatically filled after you enter a boss and encounters the Boss monster. It can't be filled after it reaches the maximum limit.
  • It can be used when the Tab button becomes yellow, and using it decreases its gauge.
    - Use up the gauge or press Tab again to stop Trajectory of Nothingness.
    - You can change Tab to a different key in Keyboard Settings.




Radiant Image

  • An additional buff provided to the classes whose Neo: Awakening characters are not yet implemented.
    - Effect: 15% Damage Increase Rate
  • This buff is only applied in the Sirocco Raid, but all year round.
  • You can check its status in the Sirocco Raid Area buff, Radiant Mirror's tooltip.
  • This buff does not apply to Neo: Awakening characters, regardless of their Neo: Awakening Advancement status.



HP Sharing System

  • An HP sharing system will be applied to the Boss monsters of the True Halls of Consciousness and Halls of Inner Self (some of the Sirocco Subjugation Operation dungeons).
  • The Boss monsters in these dungeons share HP and incoming damage.
  • The damage that they've received is displayed below their HP bar in the same color as the party that inflicted it, along with numbers as percentages to show each party's contribution.
  • The damage inflicted on the Boss monsters will only be applied to their shared HP after the Hall of Inner Self dungeons are cleared.
    - If you fail or abandon a True Hall of Subconsciousness or Hall of Inner Self dungeon, then your party's inflicted damage will be reset.
Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

