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1st Awakening


In Inae, a trading city on Jungchun of Celesti, also known as the City of Promise, preparations were underway for a performance.

In Celesti, a world of floating islands, there were those who traveled from island to island, spreading their melodies.

And among them, the most hailed and beloved of all, were the Idols.

Today, in the center of the bustling trading city's main square, an Idol sought to spread the happiness she envisioned.


Of the five races that called Celesti home, musicians were predominantly Nuhul.

Born with the energy of water, Nuhul musicians' melodies flowed like water.

The calm, quiet music of the Nuhul was beloved by Celesti's upper echelons,

and the music of the Muses was more popular among the common folk and travelers.

The music of the Muses of Chori spread naturally, like a folk song circulating among the people.


It was no wonder that the Muses came from the Chori, who were mainly travelers.

Like the unrestrained wind, they understood Celesti's story best.


"How are you feeling before the performance?"


A Nuhul reporter approached her as she prepared to perform.

Undaunted by the reporter's impeccable proportions and intelligent face, she smiled broadly.


"I'm happy to bring my performance to more people!"


At the sound of her confident voice, the reporter echoed back in a calmer tone.


"You've beaten out the Nuhul performers to win this gig. Are you nervous?"


Though she didn't have their flawless looks, she was bright and confident.

She had a sparkle and confidence that made her shine that much brighter.


"Nervous? Why would I be nervous when I'm surrounded by people who love and adore me?"


Her bubbly response stunned the reporter for a moment.

Leaving the reporter standing there dumbfounded, she walked out onto the stage with the spotlight shining down on her.


"I'm more excited than nervous. Hehe! I'll answer the rest of your questions with my performance!"


The reporter couldn't help but smile as she smiled out of the corner of her eye.

True to her name, the Idol seemed to thrive best in bright lights and cheering crowds.

She stepped into the light, her backside glistening in the spotlight. 





Skill Name





Her unique music and exceptional performance skills make her a headliner at the end of every show. Her energy increases surrounding allies' Strength, Intelligence, Vitality, Spirit, and Attack/Movement Speed.
The musicality of the Muse has been further enhanced, increasing her Basic/Skill Atk., and adding a random note at the end of every score that creates a special bonus effect.
ㄴ Upbeat: Temporarily increases all the target's Abnormal Status Tolerances.
ㄴ Happy Mood: Additionally increases all the speed bonuses.
ㄴ Rubato of My Heart: Increased barrier time
ㄴ Adrenaline Rhapsody: Additionally increases Sensation's elemental damage increase rate.
ㄴ Sweet Cantabile: Increased HP healing amounts
ㄴ Lucky Crescendo: Increased buff duration
In Solo mode, Intelligence will be adjusted to match your Spirit if your Spirit is higher than your Intelligence.

On the Stage


The Muse appears with a spotlight and gives a powerful performance onstage that makes the audience's heart skip a beat, increasing Strength, Intelligence, Attack/Movement Speed, and inflicting multi-hit damage on enemies that come in contact with the wave.
During your performance, a score consisting of random notes will be displayed. Succeed in playing at least 3 of these random notes, and you can perform an encore.
The duration of your encore increases with the number of successful random notes you play.

Drop the Beat


When the Idol signals, a giant concert amp drops in front of her and explodes, inflicting damage on surrounding enemies.

Fan Service 


Allies of the Idol, when their HP drops to 0, can ask her to resurrect them. If she grants their request, then they'll be resurrected.

Dazzling Sight


Repeatedly swings her lyra bow in sweeping motions, sending out various magical rays of light and butterflies to inflict multi-hit damage on enemies.



Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

