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Weapon Shape Forge

Weapon Shape Forge

Replication, a system that enables you to copy a weapon's shape onto another weapon, will be added.




  • The Replicate menu will be added to NPC Linus in Elvenguard.
    - You can Replicate weapon shapes and create Weapon Shape Skin items.
    - Replication consumes the weapon and Mold used as materials.


  • The materials you use affect the binding properties of the resulting Weapon Shape.
Common Material Mold Material Acquisition Results
Weapon Linus's Steel Mold Tradable Weapon Shape
  Linus's Mold Untradable Weapon Shape

※ The mold materials (Linus's Steel Mold and Linus's Mold) can be purchased at the Item Shop.
※ Linus's Steel Mold is tradable and Linus's Mold is account-bound.


  • The resulting Weapon Shape will be added to your Inventory > Consumable tab as a Consumable.
    - Weapon Shapes are Skin items with only the appearances of the Replicated weapons; they do not include the original weapons' Level, rarities, options, or special effects.
    - Example: Replicas of a Starlight Syndrome (Auto Gun) with the Spotlight effect can't have the Spotlight effect.
    - Weapon Shapes replicated by Linus's Steel Molds can be traded without restriction until sent to the Skin Storage.
    - Linus's Molds can't Replicate the weapons that your current character can't use.
    - Temporary, Growing, and Event weapons can't be Replicated.



How to Apply Weapon Shapes

  • The Weapon Shape menu will be added to the Skin Storage.
    - The Weapon Shape Consumables, when used, will be saved in the Skin Storage > Weapon Shape tab, and bind to their user characters.
    - You can only use Weapon Shape Consumables of the type that your current character can use.
    - Example: Broom Weapon Shapes can only be used by the characters with the Broom skills (Witches, Creators, and Enchantress).
    - Weapon Shapes can't affect the Attack and Character Skill effects of your current weapon.

  • Weapon Shapes hide Weapon Avatars.
    - If you want to see your Weapon Avatar, then please cancel the Weapon Shape that you have selected in the Skin Storage.
    - Weapon Shapes do not affect your current Weapon Clone Avatar's stats. Only your weapon's appearance is changed to the selected Weapon Shape.


Additional System Changes

  • Auction Hall: The Weapon Shape category will be added.
    - You can look up and buy Weapon Shapes at the Auction Hall by selecting character classes or entering item names.
    - Click a Weapon Shape in the Auction Hall to add it to the mannequin on the right side for a preview.


  • My Info: Apply a Weapon Shape, and the Skin mark will be displayed in the Weapon slot.
    - You can also check other players' Weapon Shapes by selecting their character information.
Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

