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New Dungeon: Castle of the Dead

Teaser Page


  • 5 Normal Dungeons and 1 Special Dungeons will be added in Castle of the Dead.

Dungeon Introduction

  • Inverted Watchtower

Tunneling between Pandemonium and Empyrean wasn't an easy task. Because only Hilder has absolute command over the Metastasis, Luke needed a precise navigation system to find his way in the highest floor of the Castle of the Dead, but in Pandemonium where science is not common knowledge, creating a high-tech navigation system was next to impossible. The navigation system he needs requires something more elaborate than cogwheels and springs, and finding such advanced tech seemed to take forever. The inverted watchtower was built at the highest floor of the Castle of the Dead and everything else was ready to travel across dimensions, except the main system. Luke thought that maybe the Human brain could make a good main system. And later, a homunculus in Elting Memorial went missing without a trace.


  • Luke Rinje

The Castle of the Dead wasn't visible to Hilder because Luke Rinje from the optics research center used a giant speculum to reflect light in such a way that the castle became invisible.
The speculum was big enough to catch even the smallest amount of light and deliver it to Luke, helping him recover his full strength. After the Castle of the Dead became attached to Empyrean, the speculum started gathering so much light that Luke's creatures could barely survive. Luke needed a creature of darkness to neutralize the light of Empyrean, and among Luke's creatures of darkness, Argos has the highest tolerant to light. He equipped Argos with small speculums and solved all his problems.


  • Metal Brakium

The higher I went up in the Castle of the Dead, the more curious I got. Why would someone create an interdimensional tunnel that connects Empyrean and Pandemonium? 
Is Luke as evil as Hilder makes him out to be? Luke was mobilizing his soldiers to stop adventurers from ascending to Pandemonium at all costs, and the stronger the resistance his soldiers made, the more suspicious I became. 
Am I again being fooled by Hilder? Or has Hilder been telling the truth all along? My head was filled with questions and my body was on autopilot, 
fighting through enemies to get to the Metal Gear that keeps the control room of the Castle of the Dead.


  • Salamander's Furnace

The story about a giant steel dragon living in Salamander's Furnace struck terror into the residents of Pandemonium who lived through the viciousness of the dragons through Dragon King Bakal. 
But the story wasn't just a rumor... Iron Aim, the most fearsome of all creatures of darkness, really resides in the center of Salamander's Furnace. 
Just from this, you can tell how important Salamader’s Furnace is. All light absorbed from the Salamander’s Furnace are converted into energy here and it is the driving force for maintaining the Interdimensional Tunnel.


  • Banquet Hall of Light

The path to the repository at the bottom of all the light that the Castle of the Dead has absorbed is illuminated by columns of light that twirl as if dancing. That is why it is called the Banquet Hall of Light. 
Pandemonium gathered in the Banquet Hall of Light and thanked Luke for restoring light to their world. All of them disappeared mysteriously, and opinions differ as to why they vanished. 
Some say they volunteered to serve Luke so that they could stay forever in the castle and enjoy all the beautiful light it has to offer, while others say they fell victim to Gold Clown's magic and were sent to another dimension. Whatever the truth might be, the residents of Pandemonium continue to visit the Banquet Hall of Light, dancing among the light.


  • King's Archive

Some time ago, I started having nightmares. Every time, I see my own death. I tried to avoid dying, but it wasn't easy since I was a decrepit old man in my dreams. 
In them, my strong, imposing body shriveled as my breath became shallow, and then I stopped breathing altogether. I had a feeling that I was being murdered by someone, but I have no idea who. None of my guardians were with me. They were probably killed...
I was mumbling something as I was dying, but I couldn't hear what I was saying. Just when I feel like I'm close to figuring it out, I wake up. 
I'm afraid. 
I'm Luke, the king of Hebron and the monarch of light and darkness--I can't die such a pathetic death! It can't be a premonition! I won't die. I'll change fate if I must. I'll prove that premonition is wrong. I'll create something in my likeness, so that they could die instead of me. 
I'll also create the strongest warriors that will allow no enemies near me.


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