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Convenience Improvement

[ Auto-accept Limited Quests ]

  • Now the following Limited quests will be automatically accepted when you enter dungeons.
    - Extracting Anton's Neurons
    - [Anton] High-ranking Tartan Essence
    - [Luke] Her Duty as a Scientist
    - [Echon] Born to Fight



[ Disassemble All Option Improvement ]

  • Now the Disassembler and Extractor will also disassemble Cracked Dimensional equipment when Disassemble All is selected.
    - Items imbued with Dimensional Auras and enhanced through Enchanter and other enhancing processes will be excluded from the disassembling targets. 



[ Interface Improvement ]

  • Now you can save your UI's pop-up locations.
    - Applicable UI: Inventory, Vault, Character Info, Mailbox, Look for Party, Epic Dic., Title Book, and Damage Font



[ Explorer Club Expedition ]

  • Now the default Expedition Time will be changed to 24 hours. Afterward, it will be automatically set to your latest Expedition Time.



[ Mission Book ]

  • The View suitable missions only option will be added to the Mission Book.


[ Professions Improvement ]

  • Now Disassemblers and Enchanters will be able to use their Profession menus without having to set up a shop.
    - Now you can use the Disassembler just by selecting the Profession menu (in and outside dungeons).



[ Buff Enhancement ]

  • The Buff Enhancement pop-up UI will be improved.
    - View Character Info will now also display the target character's Buff Enhancement information.



[ Valor Equipment Option Modifier ]

  • The Valor Equipment Option Modifier will be relocated near the NPC Joshua. 
  • The Valor Equipment Option Modifier's Change/Add Option UI will be updated.

- You can now purchase the materials needed for adding Set options and Rank-up directly from the Options window.

  • Now Darma's Symbols can be obtained from disassembled Level 90 Legendary Valor equipment.
  • Now Darma's Symbols can be obtained from disassembled Ranked-up Valor equipment.
  • The higher Valor equipment's Rank-up level, the more Darma's Symbols it generates when disassembled.
  • Now Valor Wave Converters will require 40 Darma's Symbols apiece instead of 70.




[ Tower of Anguish ]

  • Entry to the Tower of Anguish will no longer be limited per account.
  • Now each of your characters can enter it once a day by default.
  • Tower of Anguish-related information will be deleted from Explorer Club Attributes. 


[ Pandemonium Rift ]

  • Entry to the Pandemonium Rift will no longer be limited per account.
  • Now each of your characters can enter it 3 times a day.


[ Interdimensional Rift > Otherwordly Adversaries ]

  • The torches inside the Interdimensional Rift - Castle of Bakal map will be relocated.


Additional Convenience Updates

  • Game Control Guide feature will be improved.
    - A panel will be added to help learn the basic controls.
    - A panel will be added to help learn how to use skills.
    - It's no longer permitted to set up the Disassembler inside the Arena by using Puppets.
  • The Quick Rebound skill tooltip will now include the Key-down effect information.
  • Creature skills will no longer display the Creature name when used.
  • Seria's Greeting System will be revised.
  • The game will no longer minimize the other application programs in use upon execution.
  • Now you can turn off the tooltips of your currently equipped items by pressing Shift while having the cursor on them.
  • Now the Look for Party pop-up window will start searching as soon as you add a keyword and press the Enter key.
  • Now you can continue to Whisper to the same Explorer Club friend, even if they change to a different character during the conversation.
  • The following will be applied if you receive an invitation from a Raid Group that is already playing.
    - If the Raid Group has cleared up to Phase 1: You will be notified that you will not receive Phase 1 rewards if you join this Group.
    - If the Raid Group has cleared up to Subjugation: It can't send invitations.
Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

