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Disassembler/Extractor UI Improvement

  • The Disassembler and Extractor UI will be improved for convenience of use.
    - The Profession Disassembler/Extractor and the regional Portable Equipment Disassembler will now display slots at the bottom of their window, so you can drag and drop items onto them.
    - The existing Disassembler/Extractor's Select Multi and Select All menus will be retained.



Additional Graphic Options

  • You can adjust the game screen's brightness, contrast, and gamma value.
  • Now, color filters are supported to help you distinguish colors.
    - Green-weak, Red-weak, and Blue-yellow-weak
  • You can turn your color and color filter settings on and off by typing the dungeon command, //screenfilter, into the Chat window.



Episode Quest Skip Menu Added

  • The Episode quests can now be skipped through the Clear Quest menu if certain conditions are met.
    - They can be skipped once they are cleared once per account.
    - This menu doesn't generate rewards, just like the Clear Current Quest menu for the Act Quests.



Additional Improvements

  • In the Dungeon Selection window, slots will now move in order if you navigate them with the arrow keys.    
  • Texture Upscaling mode: If the game resolution is changed to 800x600, it will now be disabled instead of automatically turned off.    
    - Texture Upscaling mode can now only be terminated if you manually turn it off in Options.
  • The Event Icon word bubbles, if minimized, will stay minimized until you reconnect to the client program.    
  • Text-entering speed in the Auction Hall's Search function will be improved.
Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

