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* Angle Shot

- Shooting Atk. will be increased by 8% for Hitmen.


* Mighty Strike

- Slash Atk. will be increased by 6.3%.
- Shock wave Atk. will be increased by 6%.


* Dead Lift

- Downward slash Atk. will be increased by 6.5%.
- Upward slash Atk. will be increased by 6.6%.


* Overwatch

- Atk. will be increased by 5.1%.
- Attacks will no longer move Super Armor enemies on hit.


* Agile Maneuver

- Atk. will be increased by 9.1%.


* Surprise Cut

- Stabbing Atk. will be increased by 4.3%.
- Finishing lateral slash Atk. will be increased by 5.6%.
- Finishing shooting Atk. will be increased by 8.4%.


* Dead Six

- Upward slash Atk. will be increased by 10.3%.
- Shooting Atk. will be increased by 10.2%.
- Downward slash Atk. will be increased by 10.4%.


* Surprise Attack

- Atk. will be increased by 9.2%.


* Concentrated Fire

- Atk. will be increased by 5.7%.
- Attacks will no longer move Super Armor enemies on hit.


* Battle Command

- Seasoned Specialist's Movement Speed bonus will be transferred to Battle Command.
- BG Fire Tool's Attack Speed bonus will be transferred to Battle Command.
ㄴ Attack Speed bonus will be changed from 10% to 15%.
- It will now increase your Casting Speed and your party's Attack/Movement/Casting Speeds.
ㄴ The bonus amount is fixed to 15% across all levels.


* Caracole

- Upward slash Atk. will be increased by 12.1%.
- Spinning katana Atk. will be increased by 10.2%.
- Shooting Atk. will be increased by 14.5%.
- Attacks will no longer move Super Armor enemies on hit.


* Alpha Strike

- Atk. will be increased by 10%.
- It will now be affected by your Attack Speed, and its animation delay will be adjusted.


 * Final Strike

- Atk. will be increased by 7%.


* Blitzkrieg

- Atk. will be increased by 12%.
- Attacks will no longer move Super Armor enemies on hit.


* Point Blank

- Stabbing Atk. will be increased by 7.3%.
- Shooting Atk. will be increased by 7.4%.


* Helix Dive

- Shooting Atk. will be increased by 8.6%.
- Spinning slash Atk. will be increased by 8.5%.
- Finishing downward slash Atk. will be increased by 10.5%.
- Attacks will no longer move Super Armor enemies on hit.


* Tactical Offensive

- Moving shot Atk. will be increased by 5.4%.
- On-the-spot AoE shooting Atk. will be increased by 5.4%.
- Rear shooting Atk. will be increased by 5.5%.


* Shattering Strike

- Atk. will be increased by 6.2%.


* Dusk Wings

- Atk. will be increased by 11.6%.


* Odachi Mastery

- Odachis will now decrease cooldown by 5% for all skills except for the 1st/2nd Awakening ones.​


* Bug Fixes

- Certain skills, if canceled midway, will no longer cause their illusions to linger.
- Dead Six's shot count will no longer abnormally increase on Grabbable enemies.
- Tactical Offensive will no longer apply the incorrect hit count at above a certain amount of Attack Speed during the multi-attack phase.

Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

