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* Basic Attack

- Wave Manifestation Brand will now change your Basic Attack type to Independent Atk.
  ㄴ Because of this update, Atk. will be adjusted.


* Wave Manifestation Brand

- The Wave Swords are now be affected by Basic Training.
  └ Because of this update, Atk. will be adjusted.
- Recasting this skill will no longer cancel its effect.


* Murderous Wave

- Recasting this skill will no longer cancel its effect.
- Recasting will now turn on/off its attack effect.
- The wave attacks' attack type will be changed from Defense Penetration to Normal.
  └ Because of this update, Atk. will be adjusted.


* Mind's Eye

- Critical Atk. bonus will be deleted.
- It will now increase Advanced skill Atk.
  ㄴ +1.5% per level, 23% at Level 16
- It will now also increase Atk. for Basic attacks, Wave Wheel Slasher, and Force Wave: Neutral.
  ㄴ +1.5% per level, 34.5% at Level 16


* Spirit Crescent

- It can now be canceled into Basic attacks.


* Asura Spirit Crescent

- Multi-hit intervals will be decreased.
- Multi-hit count will be fixed to 3.
- Attacks will no longer move Super Armor enemies on hit.


* Ice Wave Sword

- Ice pillars will now be generated more quickly.
- Multi-hit count will be fixed to 9.
- Atk. bonus on Shocked enemies will be deleted.
- Atk. bonus on Frozen enemies will be deleted.
- Atk. will be increased by 50%.


* Fire Wave Sword

- Explosions will now occur more quickly.
- The explosion attack's range will be changed to area.
- Atk. bonus on Shocked enemies will be deleted.
- Atk. bonus on Frozen enemies will be deleted.
- Atk. will be increased by 50%.


* Deadly Enticer

- It can now be canceled into Basic attacks.


* Ground Quaker

- It can now be canceled into Basic attacks.
- Deadly Enticer cancellation information will be added to the tooltip.


* Agni Pentacle

- Its Hold range will now be affected by the pentacle's.


* Wave Eye

- It can now be canceled into Basic attacks.


* Sharp Wave Sword

- The spike attack's range will be changed to area.


* Glacial Wave Sword

- The ice pillar and explosion attacks' ranges will be changed to area.
- Atk. bonus on Shocked enemies will be deleted.
- Atk. bonus on Frozen enemies will be deleted.
- Atk. will be increased by 50%.


* Magma Wave Sword

- Thunder God Energy makes it Hold enemies with its 1st attack.
- The fire orb will now appear more closely to you, covering a broader area.


* Wave Sword: Indra Net

- It can now be canceled into Basic attacks.
- Its casting motion will now be affected by your Casting Speed, and the animation delay will be adjusted accordingly.
- It will now cool down immediately after use.


* Heavenly Vajra

- Its casting motion will now be affected by your Casting Speed, and the animation delay will be adjusted accordingly.
- The lightning cloud will disappear immediately after the skill's effect.
- Now signs will appear before the skill's effect expires.
- The location of the lightning cloud dropped for the finishing attack will be adjusted.
- The small vajras for the finishing attack will now inflict AoE damage.
- Now 13 small vajras will appear for the finishing attack.
- Lightning will no longer be generated for objects with no HP.
- Atk. bonus on Shocked enemies will be deleted.
- Atk. will be increased by 50%.


* Thunder God

- Attack sensitivity will be improved.
- Atk. bonus on Shocked enemies will be deleted.
- Atk. will be increased by 50%.


* Chronicle Equipment

- Furious Rampage
  ㄴ 3-piece Set effect added: Asura Spirit Crescent max hits +1


* Bug Fixes

- Agni Pentacle will no longer lose multi-hit count during the multi-attack phase.
- Wave Eye's buff icon will now blink properly.
- Pulsating Ground Wave's 9-piece Set effect, a Wave Manifestation count bonus, will now be applied properly.​

Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

