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Nen Master


  • Nen Shot

- Atk. +50%


  • Lightning Leg Strike

- Atk. +3%


  • Doppelganger Blast

- Atk. +32%


  • Doppelganger Blast Upgrade

- TP cost decreased (2 → 1)


  • Spiral Nen

- Additional Spiral Nens increase skill bonuses.
 a) Energy Shield/Tiger Flash: Nen Creature of Light/Nen Spear/Electric Energy Sphere/Resplendent Form: +5.1% → +8%
- Casting Spiral Nen increases skill bonuses.
 a) Energy Shield/Tiger Flash: Nen Creature of Light/Nen Spear/Electric Energy Sphere/Resplendent Form: +26% → +40%


  • Tiger Flash: Nen Creature of Light

- Atk. +3%
- Skill Atk. bonus for certain skills increased
- Nen Shot/Nen Cannon/Doppelganger Blast/Lion's Roar/Haitai Summon/Lion of Suju/Moonlight Land Atk. increase rate increased (+42% → +60% at Lv. 21)

  • Lion's Roar

- Atk. +12%


  • Doppelganger Blast

- Atk. +20%


  • Nen Spear

- Atk. +6%


  • Overlord Spiral Blade

- Atk. +33%


  • Moonlight Land

- Atk. +30%


  • Solar Shield

- Skill deleted
 a) Solar Shield item options have changed to the new skill Nen Tattoo options.


  • New Active: Nen Tattoo

- Available to learn at Lv. 20 
- Mastered at Lv. 10 and maxed out at Lv. 20 
- Forcibly changes the flow of Nen inside your body, increasing Light Damage, Magical Weapon Atk., and Defense-ignoring Magical Atk. at the cost of HP.
 a) Magical Weapon Atk. and Defense-ignoring Magical Atk. +10% at Lv. 10
 b) Light Damage +36 at Lv. 10
 c) HP -100 at Lv. 10 


  • Nen Conduit

- Attacks no longer decrease Magical Def.
-  Critical Atk. increase increased (+11% → +28%)


  • Spiral Nen: Stone

- Mastery level changed (50 → 10)
- Max level changed (60 → 20)
- Original duration and Atk. retained (based on Lv. 31)


  • Resplendent Form

- Atk. +10%


Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

