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Chronicle Equipment Effect Changes



Bloody Baptism


[3-piece Set Effect]

  • Spiritual Sacrifice Casting Speed +50%
  • Spear of Victory size +20% and Immobility duration +20%
  • Hammer of Repentance cooldown -20% and Atk. +15%


[6-piece Set Effect]

  • Crashing Cross Revelation skill Atk. +5%
  • Deflect Wall cooldown -40%, size +30%, and Atk. +20%
  • Hammer of Repentance cooldown -20% and Atk. 10%


[9-piece Set Effect]

  • Spear of Victory cooldown -20%, size +30%, and Immobility duration +30%
  • Pressure Wall cooldown -30%, Atk. -20%, size +30%, and wall moving speed +60%


[3-piece Set Effect]

  • Haptism finishing attack size +20%
  • Spear of Victory size +20% and Immobility/Hold duration +20%
  • Hammer of Repentance cooldown -20% and Atk. +15%


[6-piece Set Effect]

  • Crashing Cross Revelation skill Atk. +10%
  • Deflect Wall cooldown -20%, size +20%, and Atk. +20%
  • Hammer of Repentance cooldown -20% and Atk. +10%
  • Haptism Atk. +20%


[9-piece Set Effect]

  • Spear of Victory cooldown -10%, size +20%, Super Hold duration -20% while equipped with Maces, and Atk. +30%
  • Haptism cooldown -30% and Atk. +30%
  • Hammer of Repentance cooldown -20% and Atk. 20%

Spiritual Revelation


[3-piece Set Effect]

  • Wisdom Blessing Magical Weapon Atk. +20% and INT +10%
  • Spear of Victory cooldown -10% and size +30%
  • Flash Sphere cooldown -20%, Atk. +10%, and sphere size +10%


[6-piece Set Effect]

  • Spear of Victory ground-remaining duration +60%
  • Flash Sphere cooldown -20%, advancing speed -100%, multi-hit interval -60%, and sphere size +20%
  • Righteous Judgment cooldown -30%, multi-hit interval -50%, and duration -30%


[9-piece Set Effect]

  • Thunderbolt casting chance with Physical attacks after Revenge of Light +100%
  • Righteous Judgment cooldown -30%, multi-hit interval -50%, and duration -30%
  • Flash Shrapnel duration is deleted, explosion Atk. +40%, and cooldown -30%


[3-piece Set Effect]

  • Righteous Judgment cooldown -20% and Atk. +20%
  • Deflection Wall cooldown -10%


[6-piece Set Effect]

  • Holy Ghost Mace skill Atk. increase +20%
  • Miracle Splitter Atk. +30% and cooldown -20%
  • Righteous Judgment Casting Speed +30% and Atk. +30%


[9-piece Set Effect]

  • Doom Spear cooldown -30% and Atk. +30%
  • Righteous Judgment attack range +20%, Atk. +30%, and cooldown -20%
  • Miracle Splitter cooldown -15% and Atk. +15%


  • Red Dimensional Aura effects changed

- Haptism skill added


  • Holy Ghost Mace options added to the following equipment items 

- Thunder Cross: Jupiter: Now includes Holy Ghost Mace level +3.
- Redemption Cross: Now includes Holy Ghost Mace level +3.
- Despair Clockwork: Now includes Holy Ghost Mace level +2. 
- Deep-rooted Cross: Now includes Holy Ghost Mace level +2.
- Labarum: Now includes Holy Ghost Mace level +2.
- Boiling Trace of Rotten Blood: Now includes Holy Ghost Mace level +1.
- Cotti Crux: Now includes Holy Ghost Mace level +2.

- Titanium Armor of Vulcan: Now includes Holy Ghost Mace level +1.

- Glorious Titanium Armor of Vulcan: Now includes Holy Ghost Mace level +1.


Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

