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Spitfire (M)


  • An Overcharge option has been added to the Chronicle equipment set, Extra Clip (6-piece).
  • Expand Claymore's expansion rate has decreased slightly.



Firearm Mastery

Now also increases Physical/Magical/Independent Atk.


Basic bullets now display the proper elemental graphic effects during Overcharge mode.

Magazine Drum

Now a Passive skill.

Elemental Bullet

Elemental Bullet's elemental resistance and Def. reduction options have been moved to Booster Bullet.


Booster Bullet makes Elemental Bullet/Piercing Bullet/Burst Bomb decrease their targets' elemental resistance and Def. depending on the current Overcharge element.


Related Chronicle equipment item options updated
  - Extensive [item type]: Elemental Bullet: Increases Elemental Bullet's Abnormal Status level and resistance/Def. reduction duration. → Increase Elemental Bullet's Abnormal Status level and duration.
  - Force [item type]: Elemental Bullet: Increase Elemental Bullet's resistance/Def. reduction duration. → Increase Elemental Bullet's Abnormal Status effect duration. 


Its range has increased slightly along the Y-axis.

G-35L Flash Bang

Its Special Shock duration has increased to 30 seconds.


Its Critical Damage bonus option is now activated at Level 19 and above, and the bonus now increases by 1% every Level.


Its Critical Chance bonus option is now set to +10%.


Its attack attribute has changed (from Light to Neutral).

Lock-on Support

Its lock-on speed has increased slightly (inside dungeons).

Burst Bomb

Its Atk. is no longer lower than the intended value.

Dual Flicker

Its Additional Shot option is now also applied to Fastest Gun.

G-38ARG Reactive Grenade

Its traveling angle is the same as Super Nova's.


Its last explosion now properly inflicts damage.


The grenade no longer disappears when thrown at the walls.


The grenade's size rate has been restored to the original rate.

Black Rose

It can now be used properly in the middle of Basic attacks.

Danger Close

The location mark now moves slightly more quickly.

Pistol Carbine

Its range has increased slightly along the Y-axis.



Update History Top

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Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

