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Nen Master


  • Nen Shot

- Atk. +71%


  • Nen Bead

- Atk. +18%


  • Spiral Nen

- Atk. +43%
- Atk. bonus for certain skills increased
 a) Tiger Flash: Nen Creature of Light/Energy Shield/Nen Bead skill Atk. Bonus increased
        (+24% → +25% at Lv. 31)
 b) Thunder Suplex skill Atk. Bonus increased 
        (+47% → +50% at Lv. 31)


  • Tiger Flash: Nen Creature of Light

- Atk. 37%
- Atk. bonus for certain skills increased
 a) Doppelganger Blast/Lion's Roar/Raging Light Dragon/Lion's Grand Roar/Light Dragon Technique 13 Atk. Bonus increased (+21% → +31% at Lv. 17)
 b) Nen Flower Atk. Bonus increased (+14% → +31% at Lv. 17) 


  • Lion's Roar

- Atk. +30%


  • Energy Shield

 - Atk. +9%


  • Raging Light Dragon

- Atk. +15%


  • Doppelganger Blast

- Atk. +3%


  • Doppelganger Blast Upgrade

- TP cost decreased (2 → 1)


  • Nen Flower

- Atk. +31%


  • Nen Implosion

- Atk. +15%


  • Saint Illusion

- Atk. +26%


  • Brilliant Nen

- Basic Atk. +50%
- Full-charge Atk. +40%


  • Floating Nen Flowers

- No longer increases INT.
- Now increases Magical Critical Atk.
 a) +30% at Lv. 15
- Additionally increases Magical Critical.
 a) +15% at Lv. 15


  • Light Dragon Technique 13

- Cooldown decreased (45 sec. → 30 sec.)
- Atk. +2%


  • Nen Compress

- Now increases Energy Shield Atk. instead of its multi-hit count. (+142% at Lv. 6)
- Lion's Roar Atk. Bonus increased (+134% → +142% at Lv. 6)
- Lion's Grand Roar Atk. Bonus increased (+126% → +142% at Lv. 6) 


Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

