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  • New Passive: Fire Nin
     - Available to learn at Lv. 25
     - Increases character skill Atk. (+60% at Character Lv. 90)
     - Mastered at Lv. 40 and maxed out at Lv. 50
     - Its Atk. increase does not affect A Cycle of Six.


  • Yata Mirror
     - Increases Fire Nin's skill Atk. increase. (+20% at Character Lv. 90)
     - The following skills are not affected by Fire Nin's skill Atk. increase. 
      a) Multi Illusion Shurikens
      b) Spiral Wheel Kunai 
      c) Flying Shuriken 
      d) Yamata no Orochi
      e) Amaterasu


  • Fire Art: Fireball
     - Pushes targets a short distance away.


  • Multi Illusion Shurikens
     - Pushes targets a short distance away.


  • Heavenly Fire Blast
     - Basic Casting Speed increased slightly
     - Atk. +21%


  • Circles of Inferno
     - The ninjutsu orbs' entrance attacks and ninjutsu explosion attacks have been changed from small individual explosions to a single-hit explosion that affects the Circles of Inferno range.
      a) Ninjutsu Orb Entrance Hit Count: 1
      b) Ninjutsu Orb Explosion Hit Count: 1
      c) Atk. adjusted according to this change


  • Sword of Kusanagi
     - Finishing explosion Atk. +90%


  • Spiral Flame Shuriken
     - Throws shruikens twice instead of 3 times. (first throw deleted)
      a) Atk. redistributed according to this change


  • Flying Shuriken
     - Casting preparation stance delay shortened
     - Shortened delay after the left/right attacks and before the kunai shot


  • Yamata no Orochi
     - Shortened delay after the casting preparation animation and before the breath attack


  • Amaterasu
     - Shortened delay after casting preparation animation and before the light orb creation


  • Fire Art: Crimson Flare
     - Now lasts for an indefinite time.
     - No longer consumes stacks for its casting.


  • Burning Stigma

- The mark's explosion no longer inflicts splashed damage


Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

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However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

