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Skill Balancing



 BBQ Upgrade

  1.  Changes from hit-grab to normal grab upon learning the skill

 Heavy Firearm Mastery

  1.  Duration will no longer be decreased while using the skill
  2.  Attack Power increased buff Duration increased
  3.  Buff is now accumulative
  4.  Added the missing description of Cannonball, Arctic Booster and FM-92 SW Stinger
  5.  Maximum stack count changed from 3 →  4

 Eagle Eye

  1.  Buff is now accumulative

 Quantum Bomb

  1.  Attack Power will now be calculated as percent damage + fixed damage
  2. Attack Power slightly increased
  3.  Skill casting motion delay adjusted

 X-1 Extruder

  1.  Attack Power will now be calculated as percent damage + fixed damage
  2.  Attack Power slightly increased

Heavy Firearm Technique

  1. Added Cannonball, Arctic Booster, FM-92 SW Stinger

M-3 Flamethrower

  1. Attack Power slightly increased
  2. Can move while casting the skill

Cannon Ball

  1. Charge Time Removed
  2. It will now shoot at maximum charge
  3. Attack Power slightly increased

Laser Rifle

  1. Attack Power slightly increased

Steyr AMR

  1. Attack Power slightly increased
  2. Bullet speed increased

FM-31 Grenade Launcher

  1. Attack Power slightly increased
  2. Bullet will now fly straight.

FM-92 Stinger

  1. Missiles will now fall all at once

Satellite Beam

  1. Attack Power greatly increased

FM-92 SW Stinger

  1. Attack Power slightly increased
  2. Monster targeted based on its grade

Heavy Firearm Enhancement

  1. Added M-137 Gatling Gun, M-3 Flamethrower, Quantum Bomb,  FM-92 Stinger, Extruder, Satellite Beam, Arctic Booster, FM-92 SW Stinger, Buster Beam

Enhanced Strength

  1. Enhanced Strength’s Bonus Strength Option has been changed to Bonus Skill Attack Power Option.

Spectral Searcheye

  1. Enemy Critical Resistance Reduction value has been increased.

New Skills



Concentrated Fire

  1.   Following effects will be applied while using Concentrated Fire
  • Can cancel Skill
  • Constantly shoots standing still. Post Delay and recoil is removed. Cannot move.
  • Pressing the skill key again will turn off the Concentrated Fire mode and allow you to move again
  • Mode can be changed as long as there is duration and charges remaining
  • Duration and Multi-Hit interval of M-137 Gatling Gun, M-1 Flamethrower, Flame Pillar, and Arctic Booster has been 
  •  Reduced to allow for faster use
  •  FM-31 Grenade Launcher Bullet’s projectile speed greatly increased. 
  • Laser Rifle, X-1 Extruder will now shoot at full charge without charge time
  • Used Firearms’s Cooldown decreased
  • Cannot be used in Arena 


Update History Top

DFO Time Converter

DFO’s server use’s UTC as the standard time.

However, you can use this feature to convert

the UTC time to your local time.

This will allow you to keep track of important things

such as start/end of events, expiration of

event/sale items, etc. in your local time.

This setting will only be applied to the current

browser you are accessing from.

Server Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017 (UTC)

Local Time
Local Time

09 : 28

Tue, 10 Oct 2017

